Übersetzung für '
haberdasher' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| NOUN | a haberdasher | haberdashers |
| SYNO | clothier | haberdasher |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
2 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Wynne Ellis (also Wynn Ellis) (1790–1875) was a wealthy British haberdasher, politician and art collector.
- Robert Viser (fl.1571), was an English haberdasher and Member of Parliament.
- The four brothers were born in Newark, New Jersey to Austrian Jewish haberdasher Max Joachim (pronounced "jo-ACK-him") and his wife Pauline. They also had a sister Gertrude.
- William Cookesbury or Coksbery, or Cookisbury was a London capper, haberdasher, and supplier of feathers.
- He was born in Reading to Agnes Mary Hollis and Ernest Gladstone Johnson. His father was a hosier, outfitter and haberdasher. In 1930, he married Irene Kathleen Gilbert.
- Samuel Nicholson (1738–1827) was a London wholesale haberdasher, known as a Unitarian and associate of radicals.
- He was the son of a London haberdasher, also named Thomas Blanke, and the brother-in-law of John Altham, one of the Sheriffs of London in 1557.
- He was the only son of John Trott, a haberdasher of London and Laverstoke and educated at Clare College, Cambridge.
- Richard Goldthorpe (died 16 March 1560 in York) was an English haberdasher, investor, real estate developer and politician from Yorkshire.
- Carr House is the ancestral home of the Stone Family. The house was built in 1613 by Thomas Stone, a haberdasher from London, and his brother Andrew, a merchant from Amsterdam.
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