 Übersetzung für 'habilitation treatise' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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habilitation treatise
Habilitationsschrift {f}
Habilitation {f} [Universität]
habilitation dissertation
Habilitationsschrift {f}
habilitation candidate
Habilitand {m}
habilitation commission
Habilitationskommission {f}
habilitation regulations
Habilitationsordnungen {pl}
habilitation candidate [female]
Habilitandin {f}
treatiseAbhandlung {f}
treatiseTraktat {m} {n} [wissenschaftlich]
wissenschaftliche Abhandlung {f}
treatiseMonographie {f}
music treatise
Musiktraktat {m} {n}
scientific treatise
wissenschaftliche Abhandlung {f}
treatise on ...Arbeit {f} über ... [Ausarbeitung]
treatise on architecture
Architekturtraktat {m} {n}
First Grammatical Treatise
Erster Grammatischer Traktat {m}
treatise on the fugue
Abhandlung {f} von der Fuge
Treatise on the Soul's Passions [António Lobo Antunes]
Die Leidenschaften der Seele
The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge [Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann]
Die gesellschaftliche Konstruktion der Wirklichkeit. Eine Theorie der Wissenssoziologie
19 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • In 1893, after his habilitation treatise in on "glycogen and amaloid disorder" and an appertaining lecture on the "nutrition of newborns" he received two offers for chairs of pediatrics in Innsbruck and Breslau.He opted for Breslau and worked there until 1910.
  • After making his habilitation treatise ("Dr. habil." ...
  • She obtained her postdoctoral lecture qualification (habilitation treatise) through her work on the development of an artificial spine disk, known as the "Charité Disc".
  • After making his habilitation treatise (DrSc.) in 1989 he was appointed 1990 to Full Professor and Head of Economics and Management at the Faculty Mining and Geology.
  • For the next couple of years Burger focused on his career in literary studies, writing his thesis on Paul Celan and his habilitation treatise on contemporary Swiss literature.

  • (1886) ("Enterobacteria of infants and their relation to digestion physiology"), was to become his habilitation treatise and established him as the leading bacteriologist in the field of paediatrics.
  • After his habilitation treatise, Dahn became a lecturer of German Law in Munich in 1857.
  • In 1985 Helmut Kroiss published his habilitation treatise on Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment which led to teaching authorisation (venia legendi) in the field of wastewater treatment.
  • In 1934, he completed the habilitation treatise titled: "The heat transfer by conduction and convection, evaporation and radiation in Bioklimatologie and Meteorology", at the University of Kiel.
  • Assimilating the different formation sources, Werner Urland contoured his original perspective in the magnetochemistry of rare earth compounds, the domain delineated by his habilitation treatise (1975-1980).

  • The title of the habilitation treatise is: "Modus, Klang- und Zeitgestaltung in Motetten Orlando di Lassos und Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrinas".
  • In his 2010 habilitation treatise "Versuche baukünstlerischer Denkmalpflege attempts of artistic monument preservation" he examined the work of the architect Bodo Ebhardt (1865–1945).
  • He did his doctoral theses in development studies and his habilitation treatise on “Health Policy for Least Developed Countries.” His professional career took him for several years to East Africa as CEO of the former Ciba Pharmaceuticals regional office.
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