7 Übersetzungen
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- Habilitation {f} [Universität] = habilitation
- Habilitation {f} [Universität] = [qualification for a teaching career in higher education]
- Habilitation {f} [Universität] = postdoctoral qualification
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- Parties pledge to promote the development of initial and continuing training for professionals and staff working in habilitation and rehabilitation service as well as the availability, knowledge and use of assistive devices and technologies, designed for persons with disabilities, as they relate to habilitation and rehabilitation.
- In 1951 he obtained his habilitation at Göttingen, but, on failing to obtain a position there, he undertook to pursue his second habilitation at the Bonn in 1957.
- During a subsequent stay at Columbia University and Harvard University he completed his habilitation on “The Monroe Doctrine and its relations with American Diplomacy and Public International Law” ("”Die Monroedoktrin und ihre Beziehung zur Amerikanischen Diplomatie und zum Völkerrecht“") .
- He is considered one of the founders of "habilitation", an emerging field of education concerned with development of skills in children born severely challenged.
- In 1919 the University of Göttingen allowed Noether to proceed with her "habilitation" (eligibility for tenure).
- The process of habilitation for individuals diagnosed with AGU needs to be established in their early stages of life.
- Heichelheim was a pupil of the ancient historian Richard Laqueur at Gießen where he took his doctorate in 1925 and his habilitation in 1929.
- Roth received his doctorate in 1987 at the University of Münster, he completed his german post-doctorate degree also known as "habilitation" in 1993 at the same university.
- He completed his habilitation in 1972 with a thesis on Germanic religion.
- He passed his habilitation in 1970. The topic of his habilitation thesis was "Die schlesischen Lokationsurkunden des 13.
- In 2000, he obtained his Habilitation (state doctorate) in Münster on " Dissipative Economy: Development Cooperation and the Collapse of African Agrarian Societies“.
- She was a Habilitation Fellow of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and 2002-2006 Research Fellow at the German Historical Institute Washington (DC).
- In 1970 he defended a habilitation in pedagogy and later supervised 7 habilitation and more than 50 PhD theses in sport-related topics.
- He received his habilitation at TU Wien in 2001.
- of humanistic sciences degree in general linguistics after the habilitation colloquium on July 7, 2008 in the School of English of the AMU in Poznań, on the basis of the habilitation dissertation "Language – A Tool or a Property of Man?
- The ASN habilitation is valid for 6 years, but a candidate can apply again to renew his or her habilitation 4 years after having received it.
- ... "), which promotes collaboration between universities and the SME sector; and in 1997, the Ministry of Science Baden-Württemberg launched the "Margarete von Wrangell Habilitation Program for Women", which promotes the habilitation of qualified women scientists.
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