 Übersetzung für 'has had accepted' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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sb. has / had acceptedjd. hat / hatte angenommen
sb. has / had acceptedjd. hat / hatte entgegengenommen
sb. has / had underwrittenjd. hat / hatte unterschrieben
sb. has / had drivenjd. hat / hatte getrieben
sb. has / had shornjd. hat / hatte geschoren
sb. has / had createdjd. hat / hatte geschaffen
sb. has / had sentjd. hat / hatte gesandt
sb. has / had graspedjd. hat / hatte begriffen
sb. has / had spentjd. hat / hatte verbracht
sb. has / had boundjd. hat / hatte verbunden
sb. has / had behavedjd. hat / hatte sich verhalten
sb. has / had lentjd. hat / hatte verliehen
sb. has / had closedjd. hat / hatte verschlossen
sb. has / had slimmedjd. hat / hatte abgenommen
sb. has / had thoughtjd. hat / hatte nachgedacht
sb. has / had wonjd. hat / hatte gewonnen
sb. has / had commandedjd. hat / hatte befohlen
sb. has / had advertisedjd. hat / hatte geworben
sb. has / had thrownjd. hat / hatte geworfen
sb. has / had inscribedjd. hat / hatte aufgeschrieben
sb. has / had wrungjd. hat / hatte gewrungen
sb. has / had knownjd. hat / hatte gewusst
22 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Rights ethics has had considerable influence on political and social thinking. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights gives some concrete examples of widely accepted rights.
  • Not all academics accepted the criticism against Keynes [...] Minsky has argued that Keynesian economics had been debased by excessive mixing with neoclassical ideas from the 1950s, and that it was unfortunate that this branch of economics had even continued to be called "Keynesian".
  • The frequently recorded song has become a widely accepted hymn.
  • Although generally accepted as being successful on a technical level of reducing interference and improving reception, there was also a perception that large companies and their stations had received the best assignments.
  • His family had been distinguished for piety and exegetical skill in Talmud, but though he was known in the Jewish community by commentaries on certain books of the Bible, he never seems to have accepted any rabbinical post.

  • Buck suggests that Thrasybulus, who came of age in the heady days when the democracy and empire under Pericles were at their fullest extent, never accepted that the devastating losses Athens had suffered in the Peloponnesian War made the return of those times impossible.
  • Had the draft proposal been accepted, even the Moon would hypothetically be classified as a planet in billions of years when the tidal acceleration that is gradually moving the Moon away from Earth takes it far enough away that the center of mass of the system no longer lies within Earth.
  • In the latest years, Vantaa has stabilised its economy via an economy and debt program accepted in 2012.
  • The employment of "ndh"F and cpDNA sequences has refuted many of the traditionally accepted phylogenetic relationships within the Magnoliaceae.
  • Although Verdi had accepted the need to remove the first act, it seems that he changed his mind and allowed a performance which presented the "Fontainebleau" first act along with the revised four-act version.

  • In modern practice, the presidential nominee has considerable influence on the decision, and since the mid 20th century it became customary for that person to select a preferred running mate, who is then nominated and accepted by the convention.
  • The gospels were accepted by early believers as handed down from those Apostles who had known Jesus and been taught by him.
  • Gillingham has characterized this as "an accepted political act, nothing sexual about it;...
  • Squash players and associations have lobbied for many years for the sport to be accepted into the Olympic Games, with no success as of 2021.
  • Whether Goodman was indeed inspired by Chomsky, neither Chomsky himself nor his followers have ever accepted Goodman's views.

  • The flap of skin, still connected to the donor site would then be swung over the site of the wound, this technique allows the maintenance of physical connection and ensured that blood was supplied to the skin and increase the chances of the skin graft being accepted by the body.
  • This interpretation of Vinland as "pasture-land" rather than "wine-land" was accepted by Valter Jansson in his classic 1951 dissertation on the vin-names of Scandinavia, by way of which it entered popular knowledge in the later 20th century.
  • Then in 2010, United accepted the City of Chicago's offer of US$35 million in incentives, including a US$10 million grant, for United to move its remaining 2,500 employees out of Elk Grove Township to the Willis Tower (formerly the Sears Tower) in the Chicago Loop.
  • In Hungary, where the national language is Uralic but with heavy historical Turkic influence -- a fact which by itself spurred the popularity of the "Ural-Altaic" hypothesis -- the idea of the Ural–Altaic relationship remained widely implicitly accepted in the late 19th and the mid-20th century, though more out of pan-nationalist than linguistic reasons, and without much detailed research carried out.
  • For instance, in the bilateral treaty signed with the Russian government in February 1994, the Republic of Tatarstan gave up its claim to sovereignty and accepted Russia's taxing authority, in return for Russia's acceptance of Tatar control over oil and other resources and the republic's right to sign economic agreements with other countries.

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