 Übersetzung für 'has had advised' von Englisch nach Deutsch
sb. has / had advisedjd. hat / hatte beraten
sb. has / had understoodjd. hat / hatte verstanden
sb. has / had scoldedjd. hat / hatte gescholten
sb. has / had shotjd. hat / hatte geschossen
sb. has / had writtenjd. hat / hatte geschrieben
sb. has / had screamedjd. hat / hatte geschrien
sb. has / had maltreatedjd. hat / hatte geschunden
sb. has / had swornjd. hat / hatte geschworen
sb. has / had splicedjd. hat / hatte gesplissen
sb. has / had chuckedjd. hat / hatte geschmissen
sth. has / had loopedetw. hat / hatte sich geschlungen
sb. has / had enjoyedjd. hat / hatte genossen
sb. has / had whistledjd. hat / hatte gepfiffen
sb. has / had guessedjd. hat / hatte geraten
sb. has / had calledjd. hat / hatte gerufen
sb. has / had wrestledjd. hat / hatte gerungen
sb. has / had sleptjd. hat / hatte geschlafen
sb. has / had groundjd. hat / hatte geschliffen
sb. has / had shutjd. hat / hatte geschlossen
sb. has / had spokenjd. hat / hatte gesprochen
sb. has / had stolenjd. hat / hatte gestohlen
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • While on the witness stand, Margaret is compelled to confirm she had advised an unhappy Joanna to leave Ted, though she also attempts to tell Joanna that her husband has profoundly changed.
  • Michael Luttig advised Vice President Mike Pence that he had no constitutional authority to interfere with the certification of Electoral College votes in Congress on January 6, 2021, as has been proposed to Pence by Trump attorney John Eastman.
  • The bank has had a lucrative business relationship with Gazprom and the state oil company Rosneft. The bank advised on the forced sale of Yukos assets.
  • People were advised to avoid sightseeing and remain on alert in case the earthquake has generated a tsunami, however by mid-morning warnings had lifted.
  • The media advised Byrne, who had enjoyed an avuncular relationship with the public as a performer over many decades, against such a move.

  • Gallagher often goes jogging, but revealed in 2019 that he had begun to suffer from arthritis of the hips and that doctors had advised him to jog less.
  • Since Windows 2000, Microsoft has advised against including any full-stop ("." ...
  • Britain's foreign secretary, William Hague, had advised British nationals to leave the country immediately saying that it was "extremely unlikely" that the UK government would be able to stage an evacuation operation.
  • A 2019 investigation by "Sludge" of DAFs and hate groups found that Goldman Sachs's donor advised fund had not been used to fund any SPLC hate groups, but that the fund did not have any explicit policy preventing such donations.
  • Edward was known to be militarily astute (or at least well advised) and he is likely to have been well aware of this risk.

  • Because one is not (usually) risking all of one's chips in limit poker, players are sometimes advised to take more chances.
  • Macdonald, once advised the Governor General of Canada to issue an order-in-council directing that government papers be written in the British style.
  • The Commons Fees Office initially rejected the claim as the receipt said that the furniture was due to be delivered to Vaizey's home address in West London, but was later paid when Vaizey advised the Fees Office that the furniture was intended for his second home at his Wantage constituency.
  • The first pagoda was built of stone as advised by the elder villagers.
  • Fixer was later present when Baron Helmut Zemo is advised by the Kobik-reprogrammed Captain America into having the Masters of Evil be part of the Army of Evil.

  • Guthrie advised him to hire a big name for the first production, so Patterson received a small loan from the city council so he could visit Alec Guinness and invite him to perform in the opening season.
  • After the first UN resolution, France advised the U.S.
  • When the member's email address book is opened, it is opened with all email addresses selected, and the member is advised invitations will be sent to "selected" email addresses, or to all.
  • Eradication programs are not advised in California due to native species of muskrat and beaver being misidentified.
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