| NOUN | a huckleberry | huckleberries |
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2 Übersetzungen
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- Known to explorer David Thompson in 1807 as Portage Creek, in 1811 another fur company explorer, Alexander Henry the younger, named it the "Blaeberry Torrent", after the abundant berry bushes seen lining its bank (these were likely huckleberries) - "Blae" is Scots language for "blue".
- Ripe blueberries have light green flesh, while bilberries, whortleberries and huckleberries are red or purple throughout.
- In late-summer both the wildflowers and huckleberries on the ridges are spectacular.
- American black bear ("Ursus americanus") are numerous in the Olympics. Olympic bears eat salmon, rodents, huckleberries, tree bark, insects, and deer or elk carcasses.
- Settlers from lower-elevation communities would travel to pick huckleberries at places like Stuart Falls and Twin Ponds.
- Chestnut oak dominates the forest while blueberries, huckleberries and mountain laurel make up the shrub layer of the Mansion Day Use area.
- The Coeur D’Alene tribe territory centered around what is now Hayden Lake and nearby Lake Coeur d'Alene, gathering plants, including abundant huckleberries, fish and wildlife.
- Grasses, huckleberries, flowering currants and shade-intolerant trees such as the Douglas-fir all thrive in edge habitats.
- Plateau women made berry cakes using Saskatoon berries or huckleberries.
- Ruby grabbed huckleberries. Aaron grabbed strawberries.
- The fifty-site Cultus Creek Campground, a destination for berry pickers, known for its huckleberries, and the volcanic field in which it resides.
- The plant gets its common names from the fact that it produces hard, dry capsules instead of fleshy, juicy, edible fruits like other Ericaceae species such as huckleberries and blueberries.
- Four species of huckleberries in the genus "Gaylussacia" are common in eastern North America, especially "G. baccata", also known as the black huckleberry.
- Deer and elk reside in the wilderness area until winter snows drive them lower, along with black bears attracted to the abundant ripening of fall huckleberries.
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