 Übersetzung für 'hysterosalpingography' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   hysterosalpingography | -
hysterosalpingography <HSG>
Hysterosalpingografie {f} <HSG>
hysterosalpingography <HSG>
Hysterosalpingographie {f} <HSG>
2 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Sueldo was also a lead researcher in developing the innovative virtual hysterosalpingography method, a non-invasive image-diagnostic procedure that offers valuable information as to the existence of causal anomalies of infertility.
  • Helpful techniques to investigate the uterine structure are transvaginal ultrasonography and sonohysterography, hysterosalpingography, MRI, and hysteroscopy.
  • With the introduction of hysterosalpingography (1914) and tubal insufflation (1920) its non-surgical diagnosis became possible.
  • Historically Lipiodol was often used as a contrast medium at hysterosalpingography (HSG: a procedure to determine tubal patency, used in the investigation of subfertility).
  • Besides a physical examination, the physician will need imaging techniques to determine the character of the malformation: gynecologic ultrasonography, pelvic MRI, or hysterosalpingography.

  • 5% of women undergoing hysterosalpingography HSG, and between 5 and 39% of women with recurrent miscarriage.
  • It can be diagnosed using hysterosalpingography, hysterography, cystography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computerised tomography.
  • HyCoSy does not carry the same risks as X-ray hysterosalpingography because it does not use radiation or iodinated contrast dye.
  • He was one of the first to use hysterosalpingography in the diagnosis of tubal and uterine disorders.
  • Iobitridol is used for intravenous urography (imaging of the urinary system via a vein), angiography (imaging of blood vessels), angiocardiography (heart and coronary arteries), arthrography (joints), hysterosalpingography (uterus and Fallopian tubes), and imaging of the cranium and the whole body.

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