 Übersetzung für 'ichneumon' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   an ichneumon | ichneumons
SYNO Herpestes ichneumon | ichneumon
ichneumon [Herpestes ichneumon]
Melon {m}
ichneumon [Herpestes ichneumon] [mongoose]
Ichneumon {m} {n} [Manguste]
ichneumon [Ichneumon suspiciosus]
Schlupfwespe {f}
Taxa/Spezies (Tiere, Pflanzen, Pilze)
giant ichneumon [Rhyssa persuasoria]
Holzwespen-Schlupfwespe {f}
giant ichneumon [Rhyssa persuasoria]
Riesenholzwespen-Schlupfwespe {f}
giant ichneumon [Rhyssa persuasoria]
Holzschlupfwespe {f} [Holzwespen-Schlupfwespe]
giant ichneumon [Rhyssa persuasoria]
Pfeifenräumer {m} [ugs.] [Holzwespen-Schlupfwespe]
ichneumon flies [family Ichneumonidae]
Schlupfwespen {pl}
ichneumon flies [family Ichneumonidae]
Echte Schlupfwespen {pl} [auch: Schlupfwespen im engeren Sinne]
ichneumon fly
(Echte) Schlupfwespe {f}
ichneumon wasps [family Ichneumonidae]
Schlupfwespen {pl}
ichneumon wasps [family Ichneumonidae]
Echte Schlupfwespen {pl} [auch: Schlupfwespen im engeren Sinne]
large ichneumon wasp [Rhyssa persuasoria]
Riesenholzwespenschlupfwespe / Riesenholzwespen-Schlupfwespe {f}
13 Übersetzungen
Neue Wörterbuch-Abfrage: Einfach jetzt tippen!

  • Ichneumon {m} {n} [Manguste] = Egyptian mongoose [Herpestes ichneumon]
  • Ichneumon {m} {n} [Manguste] = ichneumon [Herpestes ichneumon] [mongoose]
  • Jackson-Ichneumon {m} {n} = Jackson's mongoose [Bdeogale jacksoni]
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • "Menaca" is a genus of ichneumon wasps in the tribe Limneriini.
  • rebeli" is a parasite, it acts itself as a host to the parasitoid ichneumon wasp, "Ichneumon eumerus".
  • "Tolonus" is a genus of ichneumon wasps in the subfamily Cryptinae.
  • "Leptobatopsis" is a genus of parasitic ichneumon wasp.
  • Phaeogenini is a tribe of ichneumon wasps in the family Ichneumonidae.

  • "Saranaca" is a genus of ichneumon wasps in the family Ichneumonidae.
  • "Xorides calidus" is a species of ichneumon wasp in the family Ichneumonidae.
  • "Rhyssella humida" is a species of ichneumon wasp in the family Ichneumonidae.
  • "Pimpla pedalis" is a species of ichneumon wasp in the family Ichneumonidae.
  • "Perithous scurra" is a species of ichneumon wasp in the family Ichneumonidae.

  • "Oxyrrhexis carbonator" is a species of ichneumon wasp in the family Ichneumonidae.
  • "Menkokia blandii" is a species of ichneumon wasp in the family Ichneumonidae.
  • "Limonethe maurator" is a species of ichneumon wasp in the family Ichneumonidae.
  • Limneriini is a tribe of ichneumon wasps in the subfamily Campopleginae.
  • "Nemeritis" is a genus of ichneumon wasps.

  • "Hellwigia" is a genus of ichneumon wasps.
  • "Megarhyssa macrurus", also known as the long-tailed giant ichneumonid wasp or long-tailed giant ichneumon wasp, is a species of large ichneumon wasp.
  • "Xanthopimpla punctata", also known as the yellow ichneumon wasp, is a yellow-colored Ichneumon wasp of subfamily Pimplinae.
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