 Übersetzung für 'in full' von Englisch nach Deutsch
SYNO fully | in full
in full {adv}völlig
in full {adv}ungekürzt
in full {adv}vollständig
in full {adv} [payable]ohne Abzug [zahlbar]
3 Wörter: Andere
(in) full blast {adv}in voller Lautstärke
in (full) spate {adv}reißend [Fluss]
in full attire {adv}in voller Kluft [ugs.] [oft hum.]
in full attire {adv}in voller Montur [ugs.] [oft hum.]
in full blast {adv} {adj} [also fig.]auf vollen Touren [auch fig.]
in full bloom {adv}in voller Blüte
in full blossom {adv}in voller Blüte
in full blow {adv}in voller Blüte
in full career {adv} [also fig.]in vollem Lauf [auch fig.]
in full detail {adv}mit allen Einzelheiten
in full dress {adv}in großer Aufmachung
in full dress {adv}
im Gesellschaftsanzug
in full dress {adj}
aufgewichst [in vollem Wichs]
in full dress {adv} [esp. uniform of a fraternity student]
in vollem Wichs [bes. Verbindungs­wesen (von Korporationsstudenten); ugs. auch: in formeller, feierlicher Kleidung]
in full dress {adv} [women]in großer Toilette [geh.] [veraltend]
in full face {adv}
en face
in full feather {adj}aufgedonnert
in full feathers {adj}aufgedonnert
in full fig {adv} [coll.]in vollem Ornat [hum.] [in voller Montur]
in full flower {adj} [postpos.] [esp. Br.]in voller Blüte [nachgestellt]
in full leaf {adj}voll belaubt [Baum]
in full operation {adv}im Vollbetrieb
in full panoply {adv}in voller Montur [ugs.]
in full panoply {adv} [full suit of armor]
in voller Rüstung
in full play {adv}in vollem Gange
in full possession {adv}in vollem Besitz
in full regalia {adv}in voller Montur [hum.]
in full retreat {adv}in vollem Rückzug
in full retreat {adv}im Rückzug auf der ganzen Linie
in full rig {adv} [fig.] [coll.]in voller Montur [fig.] [ugs.]
in full sail {adv}
unter vollen Segeln
ungeprüft in full session {adv}in Vollbesetzung
in full strength {adv}in voller Stärke
in full swing {adv} [idiom]in vollem Gange [Redewendung]
in full swing {adv} [idiom]en carrière [geh.] [veraltet]
in full swing {adv} [idiom]
auf vollen Touren [ugs.] [Redewendung]
paid in fullvoll einbezahlt
paid in fullvoll eingezahlt
3 Wörter: Verben
to allot in fullvoll zuteilen
to allow in fullvoll vergüten
to pay in fullvoll zahlen
to pay in fullganz bezahlen
to pay in fullim Ganzen zahlen
to pay in fullden vollen Betrag zahlen
to pay sth. in fulletw. in voller Höhe bezahlen
to report in fullvollständig berichten
to sign in fullmit vollem Namen unterzeichnen
to sign in fullmit vollem Namen unterschreiben
to spell in fullausschreiben [in Worten schreiben]
3 Wörter: Substantive
discharge in fullvolle Entlastung {f}
endorsement in fullVollindossament {n}
name in fullder volle Name {m}
payment in fullvolle Zahlung {f}
payment in fullvollständige Zahlung {f}
payment in fullZahlung {f} in voller Höhe
settlement in fullvoller Ausgleich {m}
4 Wörter: Andere
in full get-up {adv} [coll.]in voller Montur [ugs.]
in full rig-out {adv} [Br.] [coll.] [in full regalia]in voller Aufmachung [Montur, Ausrüstung]
in full-time employment {adj} [postpos.]
in the full sense {adv}im Vollsinn
in the full sense {adv}im vollen Sinne
pending payment in full
bis zur vollständigen Bezahlung
4 Wörter: Verben
to be in (full) spate
Hochwasser führen
to be in full bloomin voller Blüte stehen
to be in full bloomin Flor stehen [geh.]
to be in full cry
vertieft sein [in Gespräch etc.]
to be in full spate [idiom] [fire, war, etc.] voll im Gange sein [ugs.] [Redewendung] [Feuer, Krieg etc.]
to be in full swingvoll in Schwung sein
to be in full swingin vollem Gang / Gange sein
to be in full viewganz sichtbar sein
to be in full voguesehr beliebt sein
to pass sth. on in fulletw. voll weitergeben
to pay out in fullvoll auszahlen
to write out (in full)(ganz) ausschreiben [ungekürzt schreiben]
to write sth. out in fulletw. ganz ausschreiben
4 Wörter: Substantive
capital paid in fullvoll eingezahltes Kapital {n}
furnace in full blastHochofen {m} in vollem Brand
organ in full blast
Orgel {f} in vollem Spiel
settlement made in fullvoller Ausgleich {m}
soldiers in full gear
Soldaten {pl} in voller Ausrüstung
5+ Wörter: Andere
delivered in full, on time, in spec / specification <DIFOTIS> [performance key indicator]
[vollständig geliefert, zeitgenau, artikelgenau; Leistungs­indikator im Supply-Chain-Management]
in full command of his mental faculties {adv}im Vollbesitz seiner geistigen Fähigkeiten
in the interest of full disclosure
um ganz offen zu sein
in the interest of full disclosure
um ganz ehrlich zu sein
in the interest of full disclosure
um mit offenen Karten zu spielen
sth. will be credited in fulletw. wird voll gutgeschrieben
write the word out in fullschreibe das Wort aus
5+ Wörter: Verben
to be in full cry after sth.
etw. begeistert verfolgen
to be in full cry over sth.
gegen etw. Sturm laufen
to be in full flow / spate [fig.]
richtig in Fahrt sein [fig.] [viel reden]
to be in full possession of one's sensesvollsinnig sein [veraltet]
to pay back in full measurevoll zurückzahlen
to write a name in fullden vollen Namen schreiben
5+ Wörter: Substantive
performance in full discharge of an obligation
Leistung {f} an Erfüllungs­ statt
receipt in full of all demandsErfüllung {f} aller Forderungen
Fiktion (Literatur und Film)
A Man in Full [Tom Wolfe]
Ein ganzer Kerl
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Übersetzung für 'in full' von Englisch nach Deutsch

in full {adv}


in full {adv} [payable]
ohne Abzug [zahlbar]

(in) full blast {adv}
in voller Lautstärke
in (full) spate {adv}
reißend [Fluss]
in full attire {adv}
in voller Kluft [ugs.] [oft hum.]

in voller Montur [ugs.] [oft hum.]
in full blast {adv} {adj} [also fig.]
auf vollen Touren [auch fig.]
in full bloom {adv}
in voller Blüte
in full blossom {adv}
in voller Blüte
in full blow {adv}
in voller Blüte
in full career {adv} [also fig.]
in vollem Lauf [auch fig.]
in full detail {adv}
mit allen Einzelheiten
in full dress {adv}
in großer Aufmachung

im Gesellschaftsanzugcloth.
in full dress {adj}
aufgewichst [in vollem Wichs]cloth.
in full dress {adv} [esp. uniform of a fraternity student]
in vollem Wichs [bes. Verbindungs­wesen (von Korporationsstudenten); ugs. auch: in formeller, feierlicher Kleidung]cloth.hist.
in full dress {adv} [women]
in großer Toilette [geh.] [veraltend]
in full face {adv}
en faceart
in full feather {adj}
in full feathers {adj}
in full fig {adv} [coll.]
in vollem Ornat [hum.] [in voller Montur]
in full flower {adj} [postpos.] [esp. Br.]
in voller Blüte [nachgestellt]
in full leaf {adj}
voll belaubt [Baum]
in full operation {adv}
im Vollbetrieb
in full panoply {adv}
in voller Montur [ugs.]
in full panoply {adv} [full suit of armor]
in voller Rüstungarmour
in full play {adv}
in vollem Gange
in full possession {adv}
in vollem Besitz
in full regalia {adv}
in voller Montur [hum.]
in full retreat {adv}
in vollem Rückzug

im Rückzug auf der ganzen Linie
in full rig {adv} [fig.] [coll.]
in voller Montur [fig.] [ugs.]
in full sail {adv}
unter vollen Segelnnaut.
in full session {adv}
ungeprüft in Vollbesetzung
in full strength {adv}
in voller Stärke
in full swing {adv} [idiom]
in vollem Gange [Redewendung]

en carrière [geh.] [veraltet]

auf vollen Touren [ugs.] [Redewendung]market.
paid in full
voll einbezahlt

voll eingezahlt

to allot in full
voll zuteilen
to allow in full
voll vergüten
to pay in full
voll zahlen

ganz bezahlen

im Ganzen zahlen

den vollen Betrag zahlen
to pay sth. in full
etw. in voller Höhe bezahlen
to report in full
vollständig berichten
to sign in full
mit vollem Namen unterzeichnen

mit vollem Namen unterschreiben
to spell in full
ausschreiben [in Worten schreiben]

discharge in full
volle Entlastung {f}
endorsement in full
Vollindossament {n}
name in full
der volle Name {m}
payment in full
volle Zahlung {f}

vollständige Zahlung {f}

Zahlung {f} in voller Höhe
settlement in full
voller Ausgleich {m}

in full get-up {adv} [coll.]
in voller Montur [ugs.]
in full rig-out {adv} [Br.] [coll.] [in full regalia]
in voller Aufmachung [Montur, Ausrüstung]
in full-time employment {adj} [postpos.]
in the full sense {adv}
im Vollsinn

im vollen Sinne
pending payment in full
bis zur vollständigen Bezahlungfin.

to be in (full) spate
Hochwasser führenidiom
to be in full bloom
in voller Blüte stehen

in Flor stehen [geh.]
to be in full cry
vertieft sein [in Gespräch etc.]idiom
to be in full spate [idiom] [fire, war, etc.]
voll im Gange sein [ugs.] [Redewendung] [Feuer, Krieg etc.]
to be in full swing
voll in Schwung sein

in vollem Gang / Gange sein
to be in full view
ganz sichtbar sein
to be in full vogue
sehr beliebt sein
to pass sth. on in full
etw. voll weitergeben
to pay out in full
voll auszahlen
to write out (in full)
(ganz) ausschreiben [ungekürzt schreiben]
to write sth. out in full
etw. ganz ausschreiben

capital paid in full
voll eingezahltes Kapital {n}
furnace in full blast
Hochofen {m} in vollem Brand
organ in full blast
Orgel {f} in vollem Spielmus.
settlement made in full
voller Ausgleich {m}
soldiers in full gear
Soldaten {pl} in voller Ausrüstungmil.

delivered in full, on time, in spec / specification <DIFOTIS> [performance key indicator]
[vollständig geliefert, zeitgenau, artikelgenau; Leistungs­indikator im Supply-Chain-Management]QM
in full command of his mental faculties {adv}
im Vollbesitz seiner geistigen Fähigkeiten
in the interest of full disclosure
um ganz offen zu seinidiom

um ganz ehrlich zu seinidiom

um mit offenen Karten zu spielenidiom
sth. will be credited in full
etw. wird voll gutgeschrieben
write the word out in full
schreibe das Wort aus

to be in full cry after sth.
etw. begeistert verfolgenidiom
to be in full cry over sth.
gegen etw. Sturm laufenidiom
to be in full flow / spate [fig.]
richtig in Fahrt sein [fig.] [viel reden]idiom
to be in full possession of one's senses
vollsinnig sein [veraltet]
to pay back in full measure
voll zurückzahlen
to write a name in full
den vollen Namen schreiben

performance in full discharge of an obligation
Leistung {f} an Erfüllungs­ stattlaw
receipt in full of all demands
Erfüllung {f} aller Forderungen

A Man in Full [Tom Wolfe]
Ein ganzer Kerllit.F
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Andronikos was born in Constantinople on 25 March 1297. His father, Michael IX Palaiologos, began reigning in full imperial style as co-emperor circa 1295.
  • The euro area NCBs were required to pay their respective subscriptions to the ECB's capital in full.
  • dressed in full clothing, with long beards and riding horses (an animal he had never seen).
  • When a personal injury claim is settled either in court or out of court, the most common way the compensation payment is made is by a lump sum award in full and final settlement of the claim.
  • For instance, a compression scheme for video may require expensive hardware for the video to be decompressed fast enough to be viewed as it is being decompressed, and the option to decompress the video in full before watching it may be inconvenient or require additional storage.

  • There were isolated protests among the population against the draft implemented by the Sandinista government, which even resulted in full-blown street clashes in Masaya in 1988.
  • The divergent opinions fall into two main groups: Complementarians (who call for husband-headship and wife-submission) and Christian Egalitarians (who believe in full partnership equality in which couples can discover and negotiate roles and responsibilities in marriage).
  • The 61st Cavalry and the President's Body Guard parade in full dress uniform in New Delhi each year in what is probably the largest assembly of traditional cavalry still to be seen in the world.
  • By late January the plague is in full retreat, and the townspeople begin to celebrate the imminent opening of the town gates.
  • Its structure has yet to be determined in full, but recent data suggest that it may resemble an unusual two-strand β-helix.

  • Aside from Black Prince, a range of other proposals was made between 1959 and 1972 for a carrier rocket based on Blue Streak, but none of these were ever built in full and today only exist in design.
  • In addition to other member churches, the churches of the Anglican Communion are in full communion with the Old Catholic churches of the Union of Utrecht and the Scandinavian Lutheran churches of the Porvoo Communion in Europe, the India-based Malankara Mar Thoma Syrian and Malabar Independent Syrian churches and the Philippine Independent Church, also known as the Aglipayan Church.
  • Programmes have included 'The 10 Hour Takeover', a request-based special, in which the DJs on air would encourage listeners to select any available track to play, 'One Hit Wonder Day' and 'The Chart of the Decade' where the 150 biggest selling singles in the last 10 years were counted down and played in full.
  • Entrepreneurs are in full control Credit lines usually must be established in owner's name which is the downfall of some companies due to debt being accumulated from various credit cards, etc.
  • In addition, it was common for computer manufacturers to specify their products with capacities in full precision.

  • The migration to the UK was accelerated and by the completion of Mangla Dam in 1967 the process of 'chain migration' became in full flow.
  • The "Qurʾān" is traditionally written in full vocalization.
  • This had first been proved for a product of circles by Michel Herman; it was proved in full generality by Thurston.
  • It is designed to be recognizable by people familiar with either the leather pride flag or BDSM triskelion (or triskele) as "something to do with BDSM"; and to be distinctive whether reproduced in full colour, or in black and white (or another pair of colours).
  • Abd al-Rahman I ibn Mu’awiya (in full: "Abd al-Rahman ibn Mu'awiya ibn Hisham ibn Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan"; 7 March 731 – 30 September 788; Arabic: عبد الرحمن الأول) was the founder of the Umayyad Arab dynasty that ruled the greater part of Iberia for nearly three centuries (including the succeeding Caliphate of Córdoba).

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