 Übersetzung für 'injection of capital' von Englisch nach Deutsch
injection of capitalKapitalspritze {f}
injection of capital
Finanzspritze {f} [ugs.]
capital injection
Kapitalspritze {f}
new capital injection
Kapitalzuführung {f}
subcutaneous injection <s.c. / SC / sc injection>
Subkutaninjektion {f} <s.c.-Injektion>
subcutaneous injection <s.c. / SC / sc injection>
subkutane Injektion {f}
intravenous injection <IV injection, i.v. injection>
intravenöse Injektion {f} <i.v.-Injektion>
depth of injection
Injektionstiefe {f}
duration of injection
Einspritzzeit {f}
site of injection
Injektionsstelle {f}
intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetonide <IVTA>
intravitreale Injektion {f} von Triamcinolonacetonid
series injection of a centralized telecontrol signal [IEC 60050]
Serieneinspeisung {f} von Rundsteuersignalen [IEC 60050]
shunt injection of a centralized telecontrol signal [IEC 60050]
Paralleleinspeisung {f} von Rundsteuersignalen [IEC 60050]
injection of a bolus of a T1-shortening contrast agent
Injektion {f} eines T1-verkürzenden Kontrastmittelbolus
three-month injection <3-month injection>
Dreimonatsspritze {f}
want of capitalMangel {m} an Kapital
accumulation of capital
Kapitalanhäufung {f}
influx of capital
Zustrom {m} von Kapital
lack of capitalMangel {m} an Kapital
of capital importance {adj}am wichtigsten
increases of capitalKapitalerhöhungen {pl}
flight of capital
Kapitalflucht {f}
22 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • In 1996, R-B changed ownership in a buy-in management buy out, but in 2000, R-B International entered voluntary administration as a tough trading environment including a strong Pound and stiff competition from overseas competitors meant it could no longer continue as a going concern without a significant injection of capital.
  • It was only a complete re-organisation of the board, injection of capital and the introduction of “Moabrite” an industrial cleaner that kept the company going.
  • With this injection of capital, Tanoto turned his attention to another business in 1973, noticing that Indonesia exported raw logs for conversion into plywood in countries like Japan or Taiwan, before importing the finished plywood back to Indonesia at great cost.
  • Hunter and Gorman soon discovered that Birthdays required a larger injection of capital investment than either was willing or able to provide.
  • 6 Million between January and August 2009, although performance improved considerably with an injection of capital from several media partners.

  • The formation of the New Mount Hope Copper Mining Company involved an injection of capital from the smelting company, Messrs.
  • When Arrows' owner, Tom Walkinshaw, purchased "Brian Hart Limited" later that year, the injection of capital turned that design into the Arrows V10.
  • The financially feeble town is looking at options for renewal through an injection of capital from outside investors and is seeking support from government agencies and the European Union.
  • With an injection of capital from Atkins and Law, the brickworks grew to become one of the state's leading producers of pressed shale brick.
  • As water had become such a huge problem at Beaconsfield, a substantial injection of capital was required to purchase and operate suitable dewatering equipment.

  • By the end of the 1870s, an intensive phase of underground reef mining was underway, facilitated by the injection of capital into mining companies for machinery and employees.
  • During 1881 mines began yielding large amounts of gold, marking a new era of wealth and prosperity for Gympie as an intensive phase of underground reef mining began, facilitated by the injection of capital into mining companies for machinery and employees.
  • During 1881 mines began yielding large amounts of gold marking a new era of wealth and prosperity for Gympie as an intensive phase of underground reef mining began, facilitated by the injection of capital into mining companies for machinery and employees.
  • In October 2018 the company announced that there was a material shortfall between the reported financial status and the current financial status of the business and that without an immediate injection of capital the directors were of the view that there would be no scope for the business to continue trading in its current form.
  • This injection of capital allowed the RWB to commence their plans for a new four storey office building on Fraser Street.

  • If the conversion occurs promptly, a bankruptcy can be entirely prevented due to quick injection of capital which would be impossible to be obtained otherwise, either because of the market or the so-called recapitalization gridlock.
  • It was after this injection of capital that the company changed its name to Seadragon Software.
  • This injection of capital has secured the operational ability of the Park along with ensuring that key areas remain compliant with necessary legislative requirements.
  • A further injection of capital was needed in 1906 and William Harvey Du Cros (1846–1918) joined the board of directors.
  • This form of double financing, along with a large injection of capital (to cover a deficit of 1 billion DKK (€134 million)) from the Danish State, is currently under investigation by the EU; accusations being that the dual funding has constituted illegal state aid.

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