 Übersetzung für 'injection point' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   an injection point | injection points
injection point
Anspritzpunkt {m}
subcutaneous injection <s.c. / SC / sc injection>
Subkutaninjektion {f} <s.c.-Injektion>
intravenous injection <IV injection, i.v. injection>
intravenöse Injektion {f} <i.v.-Injektion>
subcutaneous injection <s.c. / SC / sc injection>
subkutane Injektion {f}
three-month injection <3-month injection>
Dreimonatsspritze {f}
two-point estimation (method) <2-point estimation (method), TPE, T-PE>
Zwei-Zeiten-Methode {f} [Best Case, Worst Case]
point-by-point exposure of data
punktweises Aufbelichten {n} von Daten
point-to-point service
Punkt-zu-Punkt-Betrieb {m}
point-to-point [steeplechase]
Steeplechase {f}
point-to-point communication
Punkt-zu-Punkt-Kommunikation {f}
point-to-point service
Punkt-zu-Punkt-Service {m}
point-to-point connectionPunkt-zu-Punkt-Anschluss {m}
point-to-point operation
Punkt-zu-Punkt-Betrieb {m}
point-to-point {adj} [attr.]Punkt-zu-Punkt-
point-to-point connectionPunktverbindung {f}
point-to-point connectionStandverbindung {f}
point-to-point connectionZweipunktverbindung {f}
point-by-point comparisonpunktgenauer Vergleich {m}
point-to-point technology
Richtfunktechnik {f}
point-to-point distances
Punkt-zu-Punkt-Abstände {pl}
injectionImpfung {f}
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • A typical system uses an extraction pump to remove groundwater downstream from the injection point.
  • This had been anticipated in the original design and a water injection point had been installed in a line upstream of the de-ethaniser.
  • A stripping foil at the PSB injection point will strip the electrons off the hydrogen anions, thus creating protons that are accumulated as beam bunches in the four PSB rings.
  • Air is delivered under light pressure to the injection point(s).
  • The flow of regenerated catalyst to the feedstock injection point below the catalyst riser is regulated by a slide valve in the regenerated catalyst line.

  • One popular configuration for the mixing tube is a large bore tube with a series of internal baffles which create turbulence in the mixture after the injection point, which causes fairly rapid mixing to a homogeneous mixture, which may then be continuously analysed by a monitoring instrument before further processing, or may be directly processed and analysed later from the storage cylinder.
  • A "single nozzle" nitrous system introduces the nitrous or fuel/nitrous mixture via a single injection point.
  • Changes in pH and concentrations of urea, ammonium, calcium and calcium carbonate in pore fluid with the distance from the injection point in 5-meter column experiments have shown that bacterial activity resulted in successful hydrolysis of urea, increase in pH and precipitation of calcite.
  • As distance increases from the air injection point, what was initially a series of plugs gradually turns into a continuous airborne stream.
  • Later versions of the BWR moved the injection point directly inside the core shroud to minimize time to reflood the core, substantially reducing the peak temperatures of the reactor during a LOCA.

  • By enabling shutoff of propellants at their injection point into the combustion chamber, the pintle injector provided excellent pulse response by eliminating injector "dribble volume" effects.
  • An upstream air injection point, ahead of the catalytic converter, is also sometimes present to provide additional oxygen only during the engine warm up period.
  • The simplest method uses one or more pulsed deflecting dipole magnets (injection kicker magnets) to steer an incoming train of particles onto the stored beam path; the kicker magnets are turned off before the stored train returns to the injection point, thus resulting in a stored beam.
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