24 Übersetzungen
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- This has been demonstrated to be caused by the water injection process used to produce the geothermal electricity at the power plant.
- Foam leveling uses polyurethane in an injection process.
- In 1986, he pioneered the use of the ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) process in Italy.
- The lethal injection process began at 9:06 p.m. EST.
- Because only air is inducted into the cylinder in a diesel engine, the compression ratio can be much higher as there is no risk of pre-ignition provided the injection process is accurately timed.
- The foam injection process itself introduces surface defects such as swirl marks, streaking, and blistering, which also influence how the part reacts to external forces.
- For example, a distinction is made between functional and visual components of various stimuli, such that impairment to these aspects of the memory trace will inhibit the re-injection process needed to complete the object representation.
- In 2007, the same group that authored the "Lancet" study extended its study of the lethal-injection process through a critical examination of the pharmacology of the barbiturate thiopental.
- The infection may have been caused by transmitting the virus from fish to fish via an infected needle, or by a reduced resistance to the infection due to stress from the injection process.
- Pre-preg allows one to impregnate the fibers on a flat workable surface, or rather in an industrial process, and then later form the impregnated fibers to a shape which could prove to be problematic for the hot injection process.
- Although death usually occurs within ten minutes of the beginning of the injection process, some have been known to take longer.
- Hard tools for injection molding are going to be subjected to a lot of stress and heat during the injection process.
- It was also added that Spanner was arrested twice after the war but released after each time after explaining how he had conducted the maceration and injection process of his models and was declared "clean" by the denazification program in 1948, officially exonerated, and resumed his academic career.
- Through a polymer injection process work at Annunciation Catholic Church was completed in two days with minimal disruption to mass and parishioners.
- Injection devices are available to optimize the injection process.
- Two solutions to this problem have been proposed: premixing the aggregate and the cement and then using a steam injection process to add the water, or the use of a pressurized concrete fabrication plant that produces pre-cast concrete blocks.
- During the injection process, electrical energy can be generated by the head pressure of the water flowing back into the aquifer.
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