 Übersetzung für 'injections' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   an injection | injections
injectionsInjektionen {pl}
intramuscular injections
intramuskuläre Injektionen {pl} <i.m.-Injektionen>
intravenous injections <IV injections, i.v. injections>
intravenöse Injektionen {pl} <i.v.-Injektionen>
multiple injections
Mehrfachinjektionen {pl}
sulfur injections
Schwefelinjektionen {pl}
5 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • An example of how intraperitoneal injections can be optimized is depicted in a study where IP injections are used to deliver anesthesia to mice.
  • There is evidence that for elderly people, physicians often repeatedly prescribe and administer cyanocobalamin injections inappropriately, evidenced by the majority of subjects in one large study either having had normal serum concentrations or had not been tested prior to the injections.
  • The routine and irrational use of injections should also be challenged.
  • Foundation crack injections are used when poured concrete foundations crack, either from settlement or the expansion and contraction of the concrete.
  • Corticosteroid injections into the joint space may provide temporary pain relief anywhere from days to several months.

  • Intra-articular injections of hyaluronic acid are used to mitigate pain and treat symptoms of osteoarthritis in the knee, but such injections are correlated with increased risk of serious side effects.
  • Intravitreal injections have vastly improved outcomes for patients with retinal diseases however the risk and patient burden associated with repeated injections has prompted researchers to pursue less invasive methods of application.
  • The most common cause of lingual nerve injuries is third molar (wisdom tooth) surgery, less commonly the lingual nerve can be injured by local anaesthetic dental injections (particularly inferior dental block injections) and sublingual or submandibular surgery.
  • One of the contributors to this increase is a larger emphasis placed on injections for therapeutic purposes.
  • Fungicidal injections can be administered to valuable American elms, to prevent infection.

  • Throughout the development and initial observations by LIGO, several "blind injections" of fake gravitational wave signals were introduced to test the ability of the researchers to identify such signals.
  • Over six months, volunteers received a prime-boost vaccination including six injections, four injections of a vaccine called ALVAC HIV (vCP1521) with the last two being at the same time as two injections of another vaccine called AIDSVAX B/E (gp120).
  • Initially, treatment in the UK cost about £3000 for the initial injections, followed by £1400 for repeat injections each year to maintain the effect.
  • Therapeutic injections of corticosteroid and local anaesthetic may be used for persistent impingement syndrome.
  • Injections are most commonly used on patients having been exposed to hepatitis A or measles, or to make a kidney donor and a recipient compatible regardless of blood type or tissue match.

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