21 Übersetzungen
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- On the steep, wet cliffs to the east, two other nationally scarce plant species Ivy Broomrape ("Orobanche hederae") and Maidenhair Fern ("Adiantum capillus-veneris") are found.
- Some species are only able to parasitise a single plant species, and they are often named after the plant they parasitise, such as ivy broomrape ("O. ...
- An important species (nationally scarce) found on the site is ivy broomrape.
- There are wooded areas of broad-leaved and coniferous trees including mature beech. These areas support a woodland flora such as ivy broomrape, white helleborine and greater butterfly-orchid.
- The nationally scarce ivy broomrape ("Orobanche hederae"), lanceolate spleenwort ("Asplenium billottii") and maidenhair fern ("Adiantum capillus-veneris") can be found in within rock crevices along the cliff habitats.
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