Übersetzung für '
ivy gourd' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| NOUN | an ivy gourd | ivy gourds |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
| bot.T ivy gourd [Coccinia grandis] | Tindola {f} | |
| bot.T ivy gourd [Coccinia grandis] | (Große) Scharlachranke {f} | |
| bot.T scarlet-fruited ivy gourd [Coccinia grandis, syn.: C. cordifolia, C. indica, Bryonia grandis, Cephalandra grandis, C. indica] | Tindola {f} | |
| bot.T scarlet-fruited ivy gourd [Coccinia grandis, syn.: C. cordifolia, C. indica, Bryonia grandis, Cephalandra grandis, C. indica] | (Große) Scharlachranke {f} | |
Teiltreffer |
| bot.T gooseberry-gourd / gooseberry gourd [Cucumis myriocarpus] | Zierstachelgurke {f} | |
| bot.T gooseberry-gourd / gooseberry gourd [Cucumis myriocarpus] | Stachelbeergurke / Stachelbeer-Gurke {f} | |
| gourd | Flaschenkürbis {m} 599 | |
| gourd | Kalebasse {f} 94 | |
| gourd | Kürbisflasche {f} 54 | |
| mus. gourd piano | Mbira {f} | |
| mus. gourd piano | Daumenklavier {n} | |
| mus. gourd piano | Kalimba {f} | |
| mus. gourd rattle | Kalebassenrassel {f} | |
| mus. gourd violin | Kabak-Kemane {f} | |
| bot.hort. decorative gourd | Zierkürbis {m} | |
| mus. gourd violin | Kürbisgeige {f} | |
| mus. gourd banjo | Kürbisbanjo {n} | |
| bot. ivy tendril | Efeuranke {f} | |
| ivy wreath | Efeukranz {m} | |
| ivy-clad {adj} | efeuberankt | |
| bot. ivy leaf | Efeublatt {n} | |
| bot. ivy twine | Efeuranke {f} | |
| bot. ivy leaves | Efeublätter {pl} | |
| ivy-covered {adj} | efeuumrankt | |
24 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- An introduced plant, ivy gourd, destroyed the canopy of the trees that nightingale reed warblers built their nests in.
- "Coccinia grandis", the ivy gourd, also known as scarlet gourd, tindora and kowai fruit, is a tropical vine.
- , ivy gourd dry palya fries and Payaso is served with steamed boiled rice and other accompaniments.
- On one piece of land he grows crops at multiple layers simultaneously, for example Ginger (below grounds), amaranthus (at 1–2 feet above grounds), Ivy gourd (at 6–8 feet above grounds) and Papaya (at 9–10 feet above grounds).
- It is possible to prepare this dish in the same way with just Capsicum. It also works well with Potato or Ivy Gourd.
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