Übersetzung für '
ivy leaf' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| NOUN | an ivy leaf | ivy leaves |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
| bot. ivy leaf | Efeublatt {n} | |
3 Wörter: Substantive |
| archi. ivy-leaf moulding [Br.] | Efeublattschmuckprofil {n} | |
Taxa/Spezies (Tiere, Pflanzen, Pilze) |
| bot.T ivy-leaf / ivyleaf buttercup [Ranunculus hederaceus] | Efeu-Wasserhahnenfuß {m} | |
| bot.T ivy-leaf / ivyleaf buttercup [Ranunculus hederaceus] | Efeublättriger Hahnenfuß {m} | |
| bot.T ivy-leaf / ivyleaf buttercup [Ranunculus hederaceus] | Efeublättriger Wasserhahnenfuß {m} | |
| bot.T ivy-leaf / ivyleaf crowfoot [Ranunculus hederaceus] | Efeu-Wasserhahnenfuß {m} | |
| bot.T ivy-leaf / ivyleaf crowfoot [Ranunculus hederaceus] | Efeublättriger Hahnenfuß {m} | |
| bot.T ivy-leaf / ivyleaf crowfoot [Ranunculus hederaceus] | Efeublättriger Wasserhahnenfuß {m} | |
| bot.T ivy-leaf / ivyleaf maple [Acer cissifolium, syn.: Negundo cissifolium] | Cissusblättriger Ahorn {m} | |
| bot.T ivy-leaf / ivyleaf maple [Acer cissifolium] | Jungfern-Ahorn / Jungfernahorn {m} | |
| bot.T ivy-leaf / ivyleaf toadflax [Cymbalaria muralis, syn.: Linaria cymbalaria] | Mauer-Zimbelkraut {n} | |
| bot.T ivy-leaf / ivyleaf toadflax [Cymbalaria muralis, syn.: Linaria cymbalaria] | Gemeines Zimbelkraut {n} | |
| bot.T ivy-leaf / ivyleaf toadflax [Cymbalaria muralis, syn.: Linaria cymbalaria] | Zimbelkraut / Zymbelkraut {n} | |
| bot.T ivy-leaf / ivyleaf toadflax [Cymbalaria muralis, syn.: Linaria cymbalaria] | Mauer-Leinkraut / Mauerleinkraut {n} | |
| bot.T ivy-leaf cyclamen [Cyclamen hederifolium, syn.: C. linearifolium, C. neapolitanum] | Herbst-Alpenveilchen {n} | |
| bot.T ivy-leaf cyclamen [Cyclamen hederifolium, syn.: C. linearifolium, C. neapolitanum] | Neapolitanisches Alpenveilchen {n} | |
| bot.T ivy-leaf cyclamen [Cyclamen hederifolium, syn.: C. neapolitanum, C. neapolitanum var. album] | Efeublättriges Alpenveilchen {n} | |
| bot.T ivy-leaf morning glory [Ipomoea hederifolia, syn.: I. angulata, I. coccinea, Quamoclit angulata, Q. coccinea, Q. hederifolia] | Scharlachrote Sternwinde {f} | |
| bot.T ivy-leaf morning glory [Ipomoea hederifolia, syn.: I. angulata, I. coccinea, Quamoclit angulata, Q. coccinea, Q. hederifolia] | Efeublättrige Trichterwinde {f} | |
| bot.T ivy-leaf speedwell [Veronica hederifolia, syn.: Veronica hederaefolia subsp. eu-hederaefolia, V. lappago] | Efeu-Ehrenpreis {m} | |
| bot.T ivy-leaf speedwell [Veronica hederifolia, syn.: Veronica hederaefolia subsp. eu-hederaefolia, V. lappago] | Efeublättriger Ehrenpreis {m} | |
| bot.T ivy-leaf violet [Viola hederacea, syn.: Erpetion hederaceum, E. reniforme, Viola sieberiana] | Australisches Veilchen {n} | |
Teiltreffer |
| ivy wreath | Efeukranz {m} | |
| ivy-covered {adj} | efeubewachsen | |
| bot. ivy leaves | Efeublätter {pl} | |
| bot. ivy tendril | Efeuranke {f} | |
| bot. ivy twine | Efeuranke {f} | |
| Ivy League | Efeuliga {f} [die acht Eliteuniversitäten im Nordosten der USA] | |
| sports Ivy League | Ivy League {f} [Liga im US-amerikanischen Hochschulsport] | |
| ivy-clad {adj} | efeubewachsen | |
| ivy-covered {adj} | efeuumrankt | |
| ivy-clad {adj} | efeuberankt | |
| bot.T (Japanese) littleleaf / little-leaf / little leaf boxwood [Buxus microphylla] | Kleinblättriger Buchsbaum {m} | |
| educ. Public Ivy [Am.] | [staatliche Hochschule mit einem ausgezeichneten akademischen Ruf] | |
| bot.T ivy [Hedera helix] | Efeu {m} [auch {n}] 881 | |
| educ. Ivy League university | Elitehochschule {f} [Universität] | |
| educ. Ivy League college | Elitehochschule {f} [Universität] | |
| bot.T ivy [genus Hedera] | Efeu {m} [auch {n}] 46 | |
| bot.T ivy [Hedera helix] | Eppich {m} [regional] [Efeu] | |
| bot. ivy-leaved ale-hoof | Efeublättrige Gundelrebe {f} | |
| bot.T needlepoint ivy [Hedera helix] | Grabefeu {m} [auch {n}] | |
| walls clad in ivy | mit Efeu bewachsene Mauern {pl} | |
42 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'ivy leaf' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- ivy leaf
- Efeublatt {n}bot.
- ivy-leaf moulding [Br.]
- Efeublattschmuckprofil {n}archi.
- ivy-leaf / ivyleaf buttercup [Ranunculus hederaceus]
- Efeu-Wasserhahnenfuß {m}bot.T
Efeublättriger Hahnenfuß {m}bot.T
Efeublättriger Wasserhahnenfuß {m}bot.T
- ivy-leaf / ivyleaf crowfoot [Ranunculus hederaceus]
- Efeu-Wasserhahnenfuß {m}bot.T
Efeublättriger Hahnenfuß {m}bot.T
Efeublättriger Wasserhahnenfuß {m}bot.T
- ivy-leaf / ivyleaf maple [Acer cissifolium, syn.: Negundo cissifolium]
- Cissusblättriger Ahorn {m}bot.T
- ivy-leaf / ivyleaf maple [Acer cissifolium]
- Jungfern-Ahorn / Jungfernahorn {m}bot.T
- ivy-leaf / ivyleaf toadflax [Cymbalaria muralis, syn.: Linaria cymbalaria]
- Mauer-Zimbelkraut {n}bot.T
Gemeines Zimbelkraut {n}bot.T
Zimbelkraut / Zymbelkraut {n}bot.T
Mauer-Leinkraut / Mauerleinkraut {n}bot.T
- ivy-leaf cyclamen [Cyclamen hederifolium, syn.: C. linearifolium, C. neapolitanum]
- Herbst-Alpenveilchen {n}bot.T
Neapolitanisches Alpenveilchen {n}bot.T
- ivy-leaf cyclamen [Cyclamen hederifolium, syn.: C. neapolitanum, C. neapolitanum var. album]
- Efeublättriges Alpenveilchen {n}bot.T
- ivy-leaf morning glory [Ipomoea hederifolia, syn.: I. angulata, I. coccinea, Quamoclit angulata, Q. coccinea, Q. hederifolia]
- Scharlachrote Sternwinde {f}bot.T
Efeublättrige Trichterwinde {f}bot.T
- ivy-leaf speedwell [Veronica hederifolia, syn.: Veronica hederaefolia subsp. eu-hederaefolia, V. lappago]
- Efeu-Ehrenpreis {m}bot.T
Efeublättriger Ehrenpreis {m}bot.T
- ivy-leaf violet [Viola hederacea, syn.: Erpetion hederaceum, E. reniforme, Viola sieberiana]
- Australisches Veilchen {n}bot.T
- ivy wreath
- Efeukranz {m}
- ivy-covered {adj}
- efeubewachsen
- ivy leaves
- Efeublätter {pl}bot.
- ivy tendril
- Efeuranke {f}bot.
- ivy twine
- Efeuranke {f}bot.
- Ivy League
- Efeuliga {f} [die acht Eliteuniversitäten im Nordosten der USA]
Ivy League {f} [Liga im US-amerikanischen Hochschulsport]sports
- ivy-clad {adj}
- efeubewachsen
- (Japanese) littleleaf / little-leaf / little leaf boxwood [Buxus microphylla]
- Kleinblättriger Buchsbaum {m}bot.T
- Public Ivy [Am.]
- [staatliche Hochschule mit einem ausgezeichneten akademischen Ruf]educ.
- ivy [Hedera helix]
- Efeu {m} [auch {n}]bot.T
Eppich {m} [regional] [Efeu]bot.T
- Ivy League university
- Elitehochschule {f} [Universität]educ.
- Ivy League college
- Elitehochschule {f} [Universität]educ.
- ivy [genus Hedera]
- Efeu {m} [auch {n}]bot.T
- ivy-leaved ale-hoof
- Efeublättrige Gundelrebe {f}bot.
- needlepoint ivy [Hedera helix]
- Grabefeu {m} [auch {n}]bot.T
- walls clad in ivy
- mit Efeu bewachsene Mauern {pl}
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Her signature ivy leaf symbol is drawn from her interest in fairytales and nature.
- The ivy leaf has been associated with the ancient Egyptian god Osiris and the Greco-Roman god Attis, both of whom were resurrected from the dead.
- Frames of British skeleton clocks are listed by Roberts: Rafter (Including inverted “Y” frame), Gothic, Scroll (including lyre), Floral (ivy leaf and arabesque) and Architectural.
- The ivy leaf, the emblem of the Gordon clan, was chosen as the school emblem, and the motto became "servabo fidem" (I will keep the faith).
- In 1991, the municipality formed around Gilles de Robien designed a new logo, incorporating the Fleur-de-lis and the Ivy leaf present on the coat of arms, placed side by side in red with a background of grey or white, depending on usage.
- When built, these coaches received the standard CIÉ "ivy – leaf" green livery. In the early 1960s, they were re-painted in the new black, orange, and white colour scheme.
- The Ivy Leaf on the battalion's insignia represented its long standing relationship with the 4th Infantry Division.
- "Aulacothorax melinus", the poison ivy leaf beetle, is a species of flea beetle in the family Chrysomelidae, formerly in the genus "Orthaltica". It is found in North America.
- The case also contains a stirrup jar with an ivy-leaf decoration, a prochous with the same floral pattern and two tall Keftiu cups with a spiral decoration.
- The front plaque bears a leaded ivy leaf motif, inscriptions and the names and details of the three Andrews brothers killed in the First World War.
- On an 1887 engagement in Springheld, Ohio, organised by Mr. Powers of the Ivy Leaf Company, he became ill and was hospitalised. He was replaced by Barney Delaney.
- (ivy leaf). It is also known as an aldus leaf (after Italian Renaissance printer Aldus Manutius).
- "The Oak and Ivy Leaf" was written for young women, "The Young Crusader" was for children, and there were also several books.
- The ivy leaf came from the Roman numerals for four (IV) and signified their motto "Steadfast and Loyal".
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