 Übersetzung für 'ivy-clad' von Englisch nach Deutsch
ivy-clad {adj}efeuberankt
ivy-clad {adj}efeubewachsen
walls clad in ivymit Efeu bewachsene Mauern {pl}
3 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The ivy-clad gatehouse is between these and is a substantial structure where you can see the slits for the two portcullises and the fittings for the sets of strong doors.
  • By the 1930s the mill was an ivy clad ruin. It was converted into a house in the early 1970s.
  • Mary's, the church has been a ruin for centuries, and until recently it was ivy clad from top to bottom, but a recent grant was handed out to remove the vegetation and consolidate the remains, the impressive, unbuttressed tower now rises above the site of its old churchyard to accompany the tower of St.
  • De Figueiredo and Treuherz write: "Seen from a distance, Combermere appears as a romantic ivy-clad vision of battlements and pinnacles.
  • Central Bureau was established in a gabled, ivy-clad mansion called "Cranleigh" in Domain Road, at South Yarra, Melbourne.

  • An ivy-clad bell tower mark the remains of the Norman chapel which served the community's spiritual, marriages, funereal and administrative (vestry) needs until 1874.
  • Behind you are the rough bramble, ivy clad walls and scrub cover that has grown over the fort in the past 70 years since the Germans surrendered.
  • On the western side of the castle site is an ivy-clad building built in 1823 as the Assize courts. This is still used today as Lincoln Crown Court.
  • In the 1870s a new road was made to the stables and in 1888 the original house was unroofed and modified to become an ivy-clad garden feature.
  • The clinical presentation of ruins set in lawns with herbaceous borders has also been criticised for removing natural context, and for eliminating the romanticism of overgrown, tumbledown, ivy-clad ruins.

  • At Ballynoe are the remains of an old Castle was built by the Knights Templer. The ivy clad ruins of Clonelty Church can still be traced beside the old castle.
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