 Übersetzung für 'ivy-leaved' von Englisch nach Deutsch
ivy-leaved ale-hoof
Efeublättrige Gundelrebe {f}
Taxa/Spezies (Tiere, Pflanzen, Pilze)
five-leaved ivy [Parthenocissus quinquefolia]
Wilder Wein {m}
five-leaved ivy [Parthenocissus quinquefolia]
Selbstkletternde Jungfernrebe {f}
ivy-leaved bellflower [Wahlenbergia hederacea]
Efeu-Moorglöckchen {n}
ivy-leaved crowfoot [Ranunculus hederaceus]
Efeu-Wasserhahnenfuß {m}
ivy-leaved crowfoot [Ranunculus hederaceus]
Efeublättriger Hahnenfuß {m}
ivy-leaved crowfoot [Ranunculus hederaceus]
Efeublättriger Wasserhahnenfuß {m}
ivy-leaved cyclamen [Cyclamen hederifolium, syn.: C. linearifolium, C. neapolitanum]
Herbst-Alpenveilchen {n}
ivy-leaved cyclamen [Cyclamen hederifolium, syn.: C. linearifolium, C. neapolitanum]
Neapolitaner Alpenveilchen {n}
ivy-leaved cyclamen [Cyclamen hederifolium, syn.: C. neapolitanum, C. neapolitanum var. album]
Efeublättriges Alpenveilchen {n}
ivy-leaved duckweed [Lemna trisulca, syn.: Staurogeton trisulcus]
Tauchflott {n}
ivy-leaved duckweed [Lemna trisulca, syn.: Staurogeton trisulcus]
Kreuz-Wasserlinse {f}
ivy-leaved duckweed [Lemna trisulca, syn.: Staurogeton trisulcus]
Tauch-Wasserlinse {f}
ivy-leaved duckweed [Lemna trisulca, syn.: Staurogeton trisulcus]
Dreifurchige Wasserlinse {f}
ivy-leaved duckweed [Lemna trisulca, syn.: Staurogeton trisulcus]
Untergetauchte Wasserlinse {f}
ivy-leaved morning glory [Ipomoea cairica, syn.: I. heptaphylla, I .palmata, I. pentaphylla, I. pulchella, I. tuberculata, Convolvulus cairicus, C. heptaphyllus]
Efeublättrige Trichterwinde {f}
ivy-leaved morning glory [Ipomoea hederifolia, syn.: I. angulata, I. coccinea, Quamoclit angulata, Q. coccinea, Q. hederifolia]
Scharlachrote Sternwinde {f}
ivy-leaved morning glory [Ipomoea hederifolia, syn.: I. angulata, I. coccinea, Quamoclit angulata, Q. coccinea, Q. hederifolia]
Efeublättrige Trichterwinde {f}
ivy-leaved speedwell [Veronica hederifolia]
Efeu-Ehrenpreis {m}
ivy-leaved speedwell [Veronica hederifolia]
Efeublättriger Ehrenpreis {m}
ivy-leaved toadflax [Cymbalaria muralis, syn.: Linaria cymbalaria]
Zymbelkraut {n}
ivy-leaved toadflax [Cymbalaria muralis, syn.: Linaria cymbalaria]
Gemeines Zimbelkraut {n}
ivy-leaved toadflax [Cymbalaria muralis, syn.: Linaria cymbalaria]
Mauer-Leinkraut / Mauerleinkraut {n}
ivy-leaved toadflax [Cymbalaria muralis]
(Mauer-)Zimbelkraut {n}
24 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'ivy-leaved' von Englisch nach Deutsch

ivy-leaved ale-hoof
Efeublättrige Gundelrebe {f}bot.

five-leaved ivy [Parthenocissus quinquefolia]
Wilder Wein {m}bot.T

Selbstkletternde Jungfernrebe {f}bot.T
ivy-leaved bellflower [Wahlenbergia hederacea]
Efeu-Moorglöckchen {n}bot.T
ivy-leaved crowfoot [Ranunculus hederaceus]
Efeu-Wasserhahnenfuß {m}bot.T

Efeublättriger Hahnenfuß {m}bot.T

Efeublättriger Wasserhahnenfuß {m}bot.T
ivy-leaved cyclamen [Cyclamen hederifolium, syn.: C. linearifolium, C. neapolitanum]
Herbst-Alpenveilchen {n}bot.T

Neapolitaner Alpenveilchen {n}bot.T
ivy-leaved cyclamen [Cyclamen hederifolium, syn.: C. neapolitanum, C. neapolitanum var. album]
Efeublättriges Alpenveilchen {n}bot.T
ivy-leaved duckweed [Lemna trisulca, syn.: Staurogeton trisulcus]
Tauchflott {n}bot.T

Kreuz-Wasserlinse {f}bot.T

Tauch-Wasserlinse {f}bot.T

Dreifurchige Wasserlinse {f}bot.T

Untergetauchte Wasserlinse {f}bot.T
ivy-leaved morning glory [Ipomoea cairica, syn.: I. heptaphylla, I .palmata, I. pentaphylla, I. pulchella, I. tuberculata, Convolvulus cairicus, C. heptaphyllus]
Efeublättrige Trichterwinde {f}bot.T
ivy-leaved morning glory [Ipomoea hederifolia, syn.: I. angulata, I. coccinea, Quamoclit angulata, Q. coccinea, Q. hederifolia]
Scharlachrote Sternwinde {f}bot.T

Efeublättrige Trichterwinde {f}bot.T
ivy-leaved speedwell [Veronica hederifolia]
Efeu-Ehrenpreis {m}bot.T

Efeublättriger Ehrenpreis {m}bot.T
ivy-leaved toadflax [Cymbalaria muralis, syn.: Linaria cymbalaria]
Zymbelkraut {n}bot.T

Gemeines Zimbelkraut {n}bot.T

Mauer-Leinkraut / Mauerleinkraut {n}bot.T
ivy-leaved toadflax [Cymbalaria muralis]
(Mauer-)Zimbelkraut {n}bot.T
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • It is commonly known as scarlet morning glory, scarlet creeper, star ipomoea, trompillo or ivy-leaved morning glory (which otherwise refers to "I. hederacea").
  • Closely related genera include the "Linaria" (Eurasian toadflaxes), "Antirrhinum" (snapdragons) and "Cymbalaria" (ivy-leaved toadflaxes).
  • This wood is mainly sweet chestnut coppice, and the importance of the site lies in the number of rare plants found in its rides. It is the most eastern locality in Britain for ivy-leaved bellflower.
  • The grassy banks are grazed by sheep and provide an environment for Montbretia, Ivy-leaved Bellflower and Bottle Sedge, with the wetter areas supporting Bog-bean, Marsh Speedwell, Bog Asphodel and Round-leaved Sundew.
  • By far the best known species is "Cymbalaria muralis" (also called ivy-leaved toadflax, and Kenilworth ivy), native to southwest Europe.

  • Closely related genera include "Nuttallanthus" (American toadflaxes, recently split from "Linaria"), "Antirrhinum" (snapdragons) and "Cymbalaria" (ivy-leaved toadflaxes).
  • "Cyclamen hederifolium", the ivy-leaved cyclamen or sowbread, is a species of flowering plant in the family Primulaceae.
  • The leaves of "Pelargonium peltatum" (Ivy-leaved Geranium), have a thick cuticle better adapting them for drought tolerance.
  • ... Schur; star duckweed; ivy-leaved duckweed) is a species of aquatic plants in the arum family Araceae.
  • "canadensis"; the white-flowered form of the ivy-leaved cyclamen is "Cyclamen hederifolium" f.

  • The natural values portrayed on the totem are: Bonelli's eagle; Lesser horseshoe bat; Stage beetle; Badger; Egyptian mongoose; Lataste's viper; Mottled owl; Eurasian eagle owl; Fire salamander; Tarantula hawk; Marsh fritillary; Genet; and relict forest of Oak, Arbutus, European Holly and Ivy-leaved-fern.
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