 Übersetzung für 'jabot' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   jabot | -
jabot [neckwear]
Jabot {n}
lace jabot
Spitzenjabot {n}
2 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'jabot' von Englisch nach Deutsch

jabot [neckwear]
Jabot {n}cloth.

lace jabot
Spitzenjabot {n}cloth.hist.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Worn underneath this was a silver silk satin shirt with a jabot, and black leggings printed with a silver snakeskin pattern.
  • As with other types of "owl" pigeons, the African Owl has a crest of feathers running down the front of its breast, which is called the jabot, also known as a tie or cravat.
  • Jabot Cosmetics is a fictional cosmetics business on the CBS daytime soap opera "The Young and the Restless".
  • This is worn with black silk stockings, patent court shoes with steel buckles, white shirt with lace cuffs and a large jabot stock.
  • Their uniform consists of black jacket with gold lining, black tricorne hat with gold lining, white pants, jabot, and black gaiters with gold buttons.

  • It was named after United States Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg for her "commitment to women's rights and gender equality" and for her custom of wearing a jabot, a frilly neckwear which resembles the insect's neck plate.
  • It is traditionally made from velvet and is always worn with a belt, lace jabot and cuffs.
  • On ceremonial occasions, circuit judges in addition to their violet robes wear a matching hood, long wig, black breeches, stockings and buckled shoes, and a lace jabot instead of bands.
  • On ceremonial occasions chancellors wear a full-bottomed wig and the silk gown is worn over a court coat, court waistcoat with lace jabot and knee breaches, silk stockings and patent leather pumps with buckles.
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