 Übersetzung für 'juke' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   juke | jukes
VERB   to juke | juked | juked
juking | jukes
SYNO fake | jook | jook house | ...
juke (move) [Am.] [feint] [football]
Finte {f} [namentlich seitens eines Offensivspielers] [Football]
juke joint [Am.] [Spelunke im ländlichen Südosten der USA und für Afroamerikaner]
2 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The word "jukebox" came into use in the United States beginning in 1940, apparently derived from the familiar usage "juke joint", derived from the Gullah word "juke", which means "bawdy".
  • Billboard Most-Played Race Records of 1946 is a year-end chart compiled by "Billboard" magazine ranking the year's top race records based on the number of times the record was played on the nation's juke boxes."
  • 4 on the "Billboard" country and western juke box chart and spent a total of 11 weeks on the charts.
  • 7 on the "Billboard" folk juke box chart. It was also ranked as the No.
  • 2 on the "Billboard" folk juke box chart. It was also ranked as the No.

  • 4 on the country juke box chart. It spent 12 weeks on the charts and was the No.
  • 2 on the country juke box chart. It spent 17 weeks on the charts and was the No.
  • 1 on the country juke box chart. It spent 17 weeks on the charts and was the No.
  • 3 on the country juke box chart. It spent 13 weeks on the charts and was the No.
  • One variation on the common juke is a spin move.

  • The CDs were stored in juke boxes that held 360 each.
  • The influence of Japanese rock on Japanese juke and vice versa was so pronounced, that well-known rock music nights in Tokyo called "SHINJUKO ROCKS" started hosting juke parties.
  • The game also features Running Moves. Some of the running moves are the juke, the spin, the wall move, the wall juke, the stiff arm and the hurdle. These moves give the player style points.
  • Po' Monkey's is a juke joint located approximately [...] west of Merigold.
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