| NOUN | a junior scientist | junior scientists |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
21 Übersetzungen
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- The medal is awarded annually to a maximum of thirty junior scientists in recognition of outstanding scientific achievement.
- paradigms within which scientific research is done, junior scientists are educated, and scientific problems are determined.
- The Friedrich Miescher Laboratory (FML) of the Max Planck Society is a biological research institute located on the Society's campus in Tübingen, Germany, named after Friedrich Miescher, founded in 1969 to offer highly qualified junior scientists in biology an opportunity to establish independent research groups and pursue their own line of research within a five-year period.
- These contacts have resulted in the exchange of junior scientists, as well as in numerous publications in reputable Western journals.
- With its 100,000€↑ prize money this yearly award is one of the highest awards for junior scientists in Germany. If more than one awardee is selected, each laureate receives the full sum.
- She also trained junior scientists in practical bacteriology techniques.
- At the end of the year 2009 a total of 487 employees were working at the institute, numbering among them 75 scientist, 95 junior scientists (45 IMPRS PhD students included), 97 externally funded positions and 64 visiting scientists and interns.
- Contributions of junior scientists are honored annually with the Early Career Award.
- In 1998, Spielman received the Fritz-Kohlrausch-Physik Award (for achievements in experimental physics by junior scientists) from the Austrian Physical Society and in 2011 the Thuringian Research Award for his work in X-ray spectroscopy.
- The archaeological education is supplemented by internships, excursions, und field schools allowing for direct participation in science and conveying. Junior scientists are promoted individually by a mentoring programme and also financially by scholarships such as the Prince Maximilian of Wied-scholarship.
- Lagendijk gained fame outside physics as the author of columns in a national newspaper and as the author of the Survival Guide for Scientists, a book with advice in the areas of communication and presentation, intended for junior scientists.
- Porter Chemical Company was an American toy manufacturer that developed and produced chemistry sets aimed as educational toys for aspiring junior scientists.
- As bearer of the Otto Hahn Medal of the Max Planck Society for junior scientists, she concluded another study visit at Harvard Law School and was awarded the academic degree of Doctor of Juridical Science "(S.J.D.)".
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