 Übersetzung für 'junipers' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   a juniper | junipers
junipers [genus Juniperus of the cypress family Cupressaceae]
Wacholder {pl}
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Übersetzung für 'junipers' von Englisch nach Deutsch

junipers [genus Juniperus of the cypress family Cupressaceae]
Wacholder {pl}bot.T
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Another "Phomopsis" species, "P. juniperovora", infects junipers, and is a particularly important pest of seedlings and juvenile plants in the nursery industry.
  • It occurs in habitat types with junipers ("Juniperus occidentalis"), sagebrush ("Artemisia tridentata") and bitterbrush ("Purshia tridentata"), in damp ground.
  • In hardiness zones 7 through 10, junipers can bloom and release pollen several times each year. Different junipers bloom in autumn, while most pollinate from early winter until late spring.
  • Vahase arose from the sea about thousand years ago. The island has a tiny forest with junipers, oaks, and pines.
  • The area contains badlands with mesquite, cacti and junipers with tall grasses, plums, hackberries and cottonwoods in the canyons.

  • Wetlands and heathlands with birches, junipers and orchids growing wild are marks of this rustic landscape.
  • A "lido" (sandbar) separates the lagoon from the sea, populated by a coastal forest of junipers and a dune forest with maritime pine.
  • The Puy de Pariou grounds are not fertile: they are punctuated by deciduous trees, junipers and a very short and thin grass.
  • The foliage is prickly, typical of many junipers.
  • Mexican pinyons and singleleaf pinyons are found in western Utah, alligator junipers and Rocky Mountain junipers grow to the south, and Utah junipers grow to the north.

  • In the 1950s, junipers began to grow in the area.
  • Small junipers may grow in climates down to nine inches precipitation annually.
  • In some parts of the natural area, western junipers are sparse, covering less than one percent of the land.
  • "Salvia roemeriana" grows primarily on limestone rich soils, usually associated with junipers ("cedars").
  • Aborrebjerg is mainly covered by wood and shrubs like junipers; behind it some ponds are located. The summit is marked with a circular stone.

  • A fleshy cone (megastrobilus); chiefly relating to those borne by junipers and cypresses, and often mistakenly called a berry.
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