Übersetzung für '
just like' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| just like | genauso wie | |
| just like {adv} | in etwa so, wie | |
| just like {conj} | gleichwie [geh.] | |
| just like | als wie [ugs.] [falsch, aber geläufig] | |
| just like ... | genau wie ... | |
3 Wörter: Andere |
| Just like ..., ... | So wie ..., ... | |
| just like so {adv} | so (in) etwa | |
| just like that {adv} | ohne Weiteres | |
| just like that {adv} | ohne weiteres | |
| just like that {adv} | mir nichts, dir nichts [Redewendung] | |
| just like that {adv} [for no particular reason] | einfach so [aus keinem bestimmten Grund] | |
3 Wörter: Verben |
| idiom to be just like sb. [typical of sb.] | jdm. gleichsehen [fig.] [ugs.] [typisch für jdn. sein] | |
4 Wörter: Andere |
| (just) like any other | wie alle anderen (auch) | |
| just as you like {adv} | ganz nach Belieben | |
| Just as you like. | Ganz wie Sie wollen. [formelle Anrede] | |
| just like any other | wie jeder / jede / jedes andere | |
| just like everywhere else {adv} | wie auch anderswo | |
| just like in school | schulmäßig (reglementiert) | |
| just like old times {adv} | genau wie früher | |
| idiom That's just like you. | Das sieht dir ähnlich. | |
4 Wörter: Verben |
| to do sth. just like that [coll.] [idiom] | etw.Akk. im Vorübergehen erledigen [Redewendung] | |
5+ Wörter: Andere |
| Can't you just say hello like a normal person? | Kannst du nicht einfach Hallo sagen wie ein ganz normaler Mensch? | |
| idiom He's just like his father. | Er ist ganz der Vater. | |
| I just plain don't like you! | Ich mag dich (ganz) einfach nicht! | |
| It's just like her to ... | Es ist typisch (für sie), dass ... | |
| just like all the other ... | genau wie alle anderen ... | |
| Just talking? Arguing more like it. [coll.] | Nur reden? Streiten kommt schon eher hin. [ugs.] | |
| Looks like he just slept in his clothes. | Sieht so aus, als hätte er in seinen Sachen geschlafen. | |
| ungeprüft That's (just) what I like (to see / hear / ...)! | Das lob ich mir! [ugs.] | |
| They fuck just like us. [coll.] [vulg.] | Die treiben es genauso wie wir. [ugs.] | |
| Unfortunately, we can't produce the money for it just like that. | Wir können das Geld dafür leider nicht aus dem Ärmel schütteln. | |
5+ Wörter: Verben |
| idiom to come up with sth. just like that | etw.Akk. aus dem Ärmel schütteln [fig.] | |
Fiktion (Literatur und Film) |
| filmF Just Like Heaven [Mark Waters] | Solange du da bist | |
| mus.F Just like the rain and snow falling from the sky | Gleichwie der Regen und Schnee vom Himmel fällt [J. S. Bach, BWV 18] | |
Teiltreffer |
| comm.econ. like-for-like sales <LFL> [adjusted for retail space] | flächenbereinigter Umsatz {m} | |
| like-for-like figures | Vergleichszahlen {pl} | |
| like-for-like {adj} | gleichwertig | |
| just {adv} | bloß [nur] 816 | |
| just {adv} | genau 1121 | |
| mus. just {adj} | rein [Intervall, Stimmung] 72 | |
| just {adv} | knapp 100 | |
| just {adv} | erst [nicht länger zurückliegend als; bloß] 94 | |
| just {adv} | ausgerechnet 154 | |
| just {adv} | soeben 524 | |
| just {adv} | auch nur | |
| just {adv} | grad [ugs.] [gerade] 67 | |
| just {adv} | just [geh.] [auch hum.] [gerade, genau] 38 | |
| just {adv} | nun einmal | |
| just {adv} | grade [ugs.] [gerade] 265 | |
| just now {adv} | soeben | |
| just then {adv} | just in diesem Moment [geh.] [auch hum.] | |
| Just wait! | Warte nur! | |
| pol. just cause | gerechte Sache {f} | |
| just over | knapp über | |
54 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'just like' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- just like
- genauso wie
als wie [ugs.] [falsch, aber geläufig]
- just like {adv}
- in etwa so, wie
- just like {conj}
- gleichwie [geh.]
- just like ...
- genau wie ...
- Just like ..., ...
- So wie ..., ...
- just like so {adv}
- so (in) etwa
- just like that {adv}
- ohne Weiteres
ohne weiteres
mir nichts, dir nichts [Redewendung]
- just like that {adv} [for no particular reason]
- einfach so [aus keinem bestimmten Grund]
- to be just like sb. [typical of sb.]
- jdm. gleichsehen [fig.] [ugs.] [typisch für jdn. sein]idiom
- (just) like any other
- wie alle anderen (auch)
- just as you like {adv}
- ganz nach Belieben
- Just as you like.
- Ganz wie Sie wollen. [formelle Anrede]
- just like any other
- wie jeder / jede / jedes andere
- just like everywhere else {adv}
- wie auch anderswo
- just like in school
- schulmäßig (reglementiert)
- just like old times {adv}
- genau wie früher
- That's just like you.
- Das sieht dir ähnlich.idiom
- to do sth. just like that [coll.] [idiom]
- etw.Akk. im Vorübergehen erledigen [Redewendung]
- Can't you just say hello like a normal person?
- Kannst du nicht einfach Hallo sagen wie ein ganz normaler Mensch?
- He's just like his father.
- Er ist ganz der Vater.idiom
- I just plain don't like you!
- Ich mag dich (ganz) einfach nicht!
- It's just like her to ...
- Es ist typisch (für sie), dass ...
- just like all the other ...
- genau wie alle anderen ...
- Just talking? Arguing more like it. [coll.]
- Nur reden? Streiten kommt schon eher hin. [ugs.]
- Looks like he just slept in his clothes.
- Sieht so aus, als hätte er in seinen Sachen geschlafen.
- That's (just) what I like (to see / hear / ...)!
- ungeprüft Das lob ich mir! [ugs.]
- They fuck just like us. [coll.] [vulg.]
- Die treiben es genauso wie wir. [ugs.]
- Unfortunately, we can't produce the money for it just like that.
- Wir können das Geld dafür leider nicht aus dem Ärmel schütteln.
- to come up with sth. just like that
- etw.Akk. aus dem Ärmel schütteln [fig.]idiom
- Just Like Heaven [Mark Waters]
- Solange du da bistfilmF
- Just like the rain and snow falling from the sky
- Gleichwie der Regen und Schnee vom Himmel fällt [J. S. Bach, BWV 18]mus.F
- like-for-like sales <LFL> [adjusted for retail space]
- flächenbereinigter Umsatz {m}comm.econ.
- like-for-like figures
- Vergleichszahlen {pl}
- like-for-like {adj}
- gleichwertig
- just {adv}
- bloß [nur]
erst [nicht länger zurückliegend als; bloß]
auch nur
grad [ugs.] [gerade]
just [geh.] [auch hum.] [gerade, genau]
nun einmal
grade [ugs.] [gerade]
- just {adj}
- rein [Intervall, Stimmung]mus.
- just now {adv}
- soeben
- just then {adv}
- just in diesem Moment [geh.] [auch hum.]
- Just wait!
- Warte nur!
- just cause
- gerechte Sache {f}pol.
- just over
- knapp über
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- By typing "HINT" twice the player would open up a screen of possible topics where they could then reveal one hint at a time for each puzzle, just like the books.
- The car looks and drives just like a contemporary Honda Civic LX, but does not run on gasoline.
- While conventional reality was eventually restored, it came at a high price, as thousands if not millions of Earth's mutant population lost their powers or died in the process, leaving only a few hundred mutants alive and powered. Just like most of his new Genoshan allies and enemies, Magneto was among the depowered people, remaining trapped on the island.
- In 2009 the telephone boxes at the bus station were painted yellow just like they used to be when Guernsey Telecoms was state-owned.
- The in vivo model mentioned above clearly explains 3-D and 1-D diffusion along the DNA strand and the binding of proteins to target sites on the chain. Just like prokaryotic cells, in eukaryotes, facilitated diffusion occurs in the nucleoplasm on chromatin filaments, accounted for by the switching dynamics of a protein when it is either bound to a chromatin thread or when freely diffusing in the nucleoplasm.
- She looked just like him. Beautiful, delicate. Green eyes, dark chocolate brown hair.
- The philosophy is that people come and go, just like mountains, trees and stars, but Tao will go on for time immemorial.
- An unknown and marginalized local school teacher, just like the mythological Chiron did for Prometheus, gave up his life for the future of his son who had chosen to be an independent artist in New York.
- Improved manufacturing technologies permitted usage of a lower Vcore. Just like the Pentium MMX, the 6x86L required a split powerplane voltage regulator with separate voltages for I/O and CPU core.
- A line in "Lola" by the Kinks was originally recorded as "You drink champagne and it tastes just like Coca-Cola."
- Apollonius writes that she (just like every other descendant of Helios) had flashing golden eyes that shot out rays of light, with the author of "Argonautica Orphica" noting that she had hair like fiery rays.
- published in October 2013 the extended Y-STR of Napoleon I based on descendant testing, and the descendants were E-M34, just like the emperor's beard hair tested a year before.
- In the story of Constantine, just like in that of ibn Arabshah, the sultan was so struck by the fact that his wife carried wine to a feast that he poisoned himself with a poison from his ring.
- Just like the single-variable derivative, [...] is chosen so that the error in this approximation is as small as possible.
- The most general situation in which Cauchy nets apply is Cauchy spaces; these too have a notion of completeness and completion just like uniform spaces.
- A candy called Pop Rocks is pressurized with carbon dioxide gas at about [...]. When placed in the mouth, it dissolves (just like other hard candy) and releases the gas bubbles with an audible pop.
- BQP is defined for quantum computers; the corresponding complexity class for classical computers (or more formally for probabilistic Turing machines) is BPP. Just like P and BPP, BQP is low for itself, which means BQPBQP = BQP.
- Additionally, Borland's approach towards software piracy and intellectual property (IP) included its "Borland no-nonsense license agreement"; allowing the developer/user to utilize its products "just like a book".
- These shapes are not unique, and any linear combination is valid, like a transformation to cubic harmonics, in fact it is possible to generate sets where all the d's are the same shape, just like the [...] and [...] are the same shape.
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