 Übersetzung für 'just-in-time delivery' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a just-in-time delivery | just-in-time deliveries
just-in-time deliveryFeinabruf {m}
just-in-time delivery
bedarfsorientierte Lieferung {f}
just in time {adj}pünktlich [termingerecht]
just in time {adv}rechtzeitig
just-in-time {adj} <JIT>bedarfssynchron
just-in-time system
Just-in-time-Konzept {n}
just-in-time deliveriesJust-in-time-Lieferungen {pl}
just-in-time {adj} <JIT>fertigungs­synchron
just-in-time production
Produktion {f} auf Abruf
just-in-time {adj} <JIT>bedarfsorientiert [Fertigung]
just-in-time compilation <JIT>
Just-in-time-Kompilierung {f}
JIT-supplier <just in time>JIT-Lieferant {m}
Just in time for the fireworks.Sie kommen gerade rechtzeitig zum Feuerwerk.
just in time {adv} [at the last moment]gerade noch rechtzeitig
There just isn't enough time in the day.Der Tag ist einfach zu kurz.
delivery timeLieferzeit {f}
delivery time
Versanddauer {f}
time of deliveryLieferzeit {f}
actual delivery timeeffektive Lieferzeit {f}
on-time delivery
pünktliche Lieferung {f}
delivery time inquiry
Lieferzeitanfrage {f}
time for deliveryLieferfrist {f}
22 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • After gutting the interior, installing robots (and other retooling), and the construction of a new body shop and just-in-time delivery docks, Buick City began building front-wheel drive vehicles in 1985.
  • Stating that current customs procedures were only ‘developed for economic protection’ by promoting ‘just-in-time delivery’.
  • Freight volumes continued to drop as manufacturers, needing to meet customer demands for smaller quantity just in time delivery in order to reduce inventories, began to prefer trucking firms as faster and more reliable than MMA.
  • During 2012, Energy Products developed and has patents pending for a more efficient means to change and charge forklift batteries while providing a just-in-time delivery of charged forklift batteries.
  • Traditional challenges have included lowering costs, ensuring just-in-time delivery, and shrinking transportation times to allow better reaction to business challenges.

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