 Übersetzung für 'just-in-time production' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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just-in-time production
Produktion {f} auf Abruf
just in time {adj}pünktlich [termingerecht]
just in time {adv}rechtzeitig
just-in-time {adj} <JIT>bedarfssynchron
just-in-time {adj} <JIT>fertigungs­synchron
just-in-time {adj} <JIT>bedarfsorientiert [Fertigung]
just-in-time delivery
bedarfsorientierte Lieferung {f}
just-in-time deliveryFeinabruf {m}
just-in-time deliveriesJust-in-time-Lieferungen {pl}
just-in-time system
Just-in-time-Konzept {n}
just-in-time compilation <JIT>
Just-in-time-Kompilierung {f}
JIT-supplier <just in time>JIT-Lieferant {m}
Just in time for the fireworks.Sie kommen gerade rechtzeitig zum Feuerwerk.
just in time {adv} [at the last moment]gerade noch rechtzeitig
There just isn't enough time in the day.Der Tag ist einfach zu kurz.
production time
Fertigungs­zeit {f}
just before the full time whistle {adv}
kurz vor dem Schlusspfiff
to arrive at just the right timeim richtigen Moment ankommen
production (lead) time
Fertigungs­dauer {f}
time of productionProduktionszeit {f}
to come along just at the right time / momentwie gerufen kommen
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • His work argues how the relentless quest for efficiency, and practices like outsourcing to a single factory and “just-in-timeproduction, could create an increasingly fragile system, where one isolated shock could crash entire industries.
  • It showed them that their implementation of the Just In Time production system worked, and that they had "the right balance of efficiency and risk".
  • The trend towards Just In Time production often requires sub-pallet level availability of production inputs, and AS/RS is a much faster way of organizing the storage of smaller items next to production lines.
  • Invisible Threads by Stephanie Rothenberg and Jeff Crouse is a locative media project aimed at creating embodied awareness of sweatshops and just-in-time production through a virtual sweatshop in Second Life.
  • The legend is based on the great work culture that exists in Japan, which together with the relative remoteness of the country and its just in time production style, make it appear a credible story.

  • Post-Fordist production prioritises increased flexibility, in particular lean production and just-in-time production methods.
  • Originally called "just-in-time production", it builds on the approach created by the founder of Toyota, Sakichi Toyoda, his son Kiichiro Toyoda, and the engineer Taiichi Ohno.
  • His work on the economic restructuring of Japanese firms regarding the Just-In-Time production process is widely cited.
  • More to the point, as a P&G engineer he was responsible for applying P&G's long-established Just-in-Time Production Control Method.
  • In 2002, Virginia Mason spearheaded an effort to improve patient safety and quality of care by adopting the Toyota Production System (TPS) to health care.

  • It switched to production of D3-platform vehicles for 2005, and to CD6-platform vehicles for 2020.
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