 Übersetzung für 'juvenile prison' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a juvenile prison | juvenile prisons
juvenile prisonJugendgefängnis {n}
juvenile prisonJugendstrafanstalt {f}
juvenile dermatomyositis <juvenile DM>
juvenile Dermatomyositis {f} <juvenile DM>
juvenile {adj}juvenil
juvenile {adj}Jugend-
juvenile {adj}jugendlich
juvenileJugendlicher {m}
[Person, die aus Altersgründen nicht die volle rechtliche Handlungs­fähigkeit u. Verantwortlichkeit im Privat- od. Strafrecht hat (Unmündiger bzw. mündiger Minderjähriger)]
juvenile magistrate
Jugendrichter {m}
juvenile hallJugendgefängnis {n}
juvenile hallJugendstrafanstalt {f}
juvenile crime
Jugendkriminalität {f}
juvenile plant
Jungpflanze {f}
juvenile literature
Jugendliteratur {f}
juvenile delinquent
jugendlicher Straftäter {m}
juvenile plumage
Jugendkleid {n}
juvenile offender
jugendlicher Gesetzesübertreter {m}
juvenile vagrantjugendlicher Landstreicher {m}
juvenile plumage
Jugendgefieder {n}
juvenile plumage
Juvenilkleid {n}
juvenile stage
Juvenilphase {f}
juvenile book
Jugendbuch {n}
22 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • After dropping out of a high school in Yokohama, he was arrested for arson and served some years in a juvenile prison.
  • Amy's Law is a Georgia state law passed in response to outrage generated when a twelve-year-old boy convicted of murdering Amy Yates was sentenced to two years in juvenile prison, the maximum penalty allowed for minors in Georgia at the time.
  • Since that time there have been many changes in its role from an open Youth Custody Centre, to a closed Youth Custody Centre, to its current role as a dedicated Male Juvenile Prison housing inmates aged between 15 and 17 years.
  • Tom's testimony in court effectively ensured that Danny was tried as an adult, despite being only eleven years old, and sentenced to twelve years in juvenile prison for the murder of Lizzie Parks.
  • The Jetson Center for Youth, a former juvenile prison operated by the Louisiana Office of Juvenile Justice, is located near Baker in an unincorporated area.

  • During a friendly baseball match at a juvenile prison, he met a young James Brown who was serving time there on robbery charges.
  • Banksia Hill Juvenile Detention Centre is an Australian juvenile prison facility for offenders aged 10–17 years, located at Canning Vale, Western Australia.
  • Borstal Prison was once an experimental juvenile prison of the reformatory type set up in 1902.
  • For his role in the crime, Jō Ogura served eight years in a juvenile prison before he was released in August 1999.
  • AECF provided technical expertise to assist the Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice in significantly reducing juvenile prison populations.

  • Although her little brother Joe spent most of his time in juvenile prison, she loved him very much and they were very close.
  • On June 24, 2021, Mills vetoed seven bills, including one that would have closed the Long Creek Youth Development Center, a juvenile prison.
  • Today the village is the location of the main entrance/access road to HMP Hindley, a juvenile prison and Young Offenders Institution mainly serving the Northwest UK, although the main building, HMP Hindley, is situated in neighbouring Hindley.
  • A state prison site was located in Morgan Township; originally it was a juvenile prison operated by the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare.
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