 Übersetzung für 'kaka' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a kaka | kakas / kaka
kaka [Nestor meridionalis]
Waldpapagei {m} [Kaka]
kaka [Nestor meridionalis]
Kaka {m} [Waldpapagei]
(Swedish) krum kaka [also: krumkake]
Krumkake {f} [traditionelles schwedisches Gebäck; Eiserkuchen, Hippenrolle]
New Zealand kaka [Nestor meridionalis]
Kaka {m}
New Zealand kaka [Nestor meridionalis]
Waldpapagei {m}
Norfolk kaka [Nestor productus] [extinct]
Norfolk-Kaka {m} [ausgestorben]
Norfolk kaka [Nestor productus] [extinct]
Dünnschnabelnestor {m} [ausgestorben]
7 Übersetzungen
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  • Kaka {f} [Kindersprache] = poo-poo [coll.]
  • Kaka {m} = New Zealand kaka [Nestor meridionalis]
  • Kaka {m} [Waldpapagei] = kaka [Nestor meridionalis]
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • "Clianthus maximus", commonly known as kaka beak ("kōwhai ngutu-kākā" in Māori), is a woody legume shrub native to New Zealand's North Island.
  • At social gatherings it is common for alcoholic beverages to be accompanied with savory, fried snacks known collectively as "tsakitsaky", commonly including pan-fried peanuts, potato chips, "nems", "sambos" and "kaka pizon".
  • In the church the blacksmith has made another painting, showing the devil in hell, which villagers spit on and the women bring their frightened children up to say “Look what a kaka (poophead)” (transliterated as: Yaka kaka!
  • The term "cake" has a long history. The word itself is of Viking origin, from the Old Norse word "kaka".
  • Land habitats adjacent to the harbour support some rare botanical species, including native orchids, the king fern, and the endangered kaka beak.

  • Ramu kaka (Hindi: रामू काका), is a character type of Hindi literature and media.
  • Sonesangavi (1): Vitthal-Rukmini temple, Hanuman temple, Sant Goroba kaka temple, and Mosque etc.
  • The word 'kaka' can also mean ripe. While 'vegu' is also a noun which means 'life'.
  • In example (5), "Fadin de kaka" is a possessive construction where the possessor "Fadin (a proper noun)" is connected to the possessum "kaka ‘older" sibling’"."
  • They have participated in Melodifestivalen several times: in 2002 with the song "Hon kommer med solsken", in 2003 with "Maria", and in 2006 with "Ge mig en kaka till kaffet".

  • The last Norfolk kaka died in captivity in London.
  • These are Razi kaka, Sher Nawab, /Shahid Gul ”Deceased’ and Muhammed Younas khan.
  • The ecoregion is home to several of New Zealand's endemic birds, including the New Zealand rock wren ("Xenicus gilviventris"), kea ("Nestor notabalis"), great spotted kiwi ("Apteryx haastii"), and southern subspecies of New Zealand kaka ("Nestor meridionalis meridionalis").
  • It is called kaka-sikikoko in the Kwaza language of Rondônia, Brazil.
  • Totokaka is a wise and old member of the Kaka Clan who seemingly supervises the entire clan.

  • She also played in films including "Peripterou" as well as television including "Epta kaka tis moiras mou" with Giorgos Konstantinou, in "Axiotimos kyrious" and in "Madame Soussou".
  • Kaka Nunatak (...) is the most prominent of the Kea Nunataks, rising to about [...] near the center of the group.
  • Tutukaka (...) is a locality on the east coast of Northland, New Zealand, in an area commonly referred to as the Tutukaka Coast which includes Ngunguru and Matapouri.
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