| entom.T l-album wainscot [Mythimna l-album, syn.: Aletia l-album, Hyphilare l-album] [moth] | Weißes L {n} [Nachtfalterspezies] | |
Teiltreffer |
| unit ton <l. t., l. tn., L.T., LT> [Br.] [long ton] [2240 lb] | britische Tonne {f} <tn. l.> [ca. 1016,05 kg] | |
| unit litre <l, L, ℓ> [Br.] | Liter {m} [auch {n}] <l, L, ℓ> 313 | |
| unit liter <l, L, ℓ> [Am.] | Liter {m} [auch {n}] <l, L, ℓ> 504 | |
| biochem. L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine <L-DOPA> | L-3,4-Dihydroxyphenylalanin {n} <L-DOPA> | |
| pharm. quantum libet {adv} <qu. l.; q. l.; QL> [as much as you please] | so viel beliebt | |
| pharm. quantum libet {adv} <qu. l.; q. l.; QL> [as much as you please] | nach Belieben | |
| pharm. limulus amebocyte lysate test <LAL test, L.A.L. test> | Limulus-Amöbozyten-Lysat-Test {m} <LAL-Test> | |
| chem.unit millimoles per litre [Br.] <mmol/l, mmol/L> | Millimol {pl} pro Liter <mmol/l, mmol/L> | |
| rail Chicago Elevated <Chicago El, Chicago L, El, L> | Chicago-Hochbahn {f} [Hoch- und U-Bahn von Chicago, USA] | |
| chem.unit millimoles per liter [Am.] <mmol/l, mmol/L> | Millimol {pl} pro Liter <mmol/l, mmol/L> | |
| unit grams per liter [Am.] <g/l, g/L> | Gramm {pl} pro Liter <g/l, g/L> | |
| profit and loss <P/L, P&L> | Gewinn und Verlust <GuV> | |
| biochem.FoodInd. lethality value <L, L-value> | Letalitätswert {m} <L, L-Wert> | |
| album | Album {n} 244 | |
| mus. debut album | Debütalbum {n} | |
| photo. photo album | Fotoalbum {n} | |
| mus. Christmas album | Weihnachtsalbum {n} | |
| mus. conceptual album | Konzeptalbum {n} | |
| mus. Christmas album | Weihnachtsplatte {f} | |
| mus. solo album | Soloalbum {n} | |
21 Übersetzungen
Neue Wörterbuch-Abfrage: Einfach jetzt tippen!
Übersetzung für 'l album wainscot' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- l-album wainscot [Mythimna l-album, syn.: Aletia l-album, Hyphilare l-album] [moth]
- Weißes L {n} [Nachtfalterspezies]entom.T
- ton <l. t., l. tn., L.T., LT> [Br.] [long ton] [2240 lb]
- britische Tonne {f} <tn. l.> [ca. 1016,05 kg]unit
- litre <l, L, ℓ> [Br.]
- Liter {m} [auch {n}] <l, L, ℓ>unit
- liter <l, L, ℓ> [Am.]
- Liter {m} [auch {n}] <l, L, ℓ>unit
- L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine <L-DOPA>
- L-3,4-Dihydroxyphenylalanin {n} <L-DOPA>biochem.
- quantum libet {adv} <qu. l.; q. l.; QL> [as much as you please]
- so viel beliebtpharm.
nach Beliebenpharm.
- limulus amebocyte lysate test <LAL test, L.A.L. test>
- Limulus-Amöbozyten-Lysat-Test {m} <LAL-Test>pharm.
- millimoles per litre [Br.] <mmol/l, mmol/L>
- Millimol {pl} pro Liter <mmol/l, mmol/L>chem.unit
- Chicago Elevated <Chicago El, Chicago L, El, L>
- Chicago-Hochbahn {f} [Hoch- und U-Bahn von Chicago, USA]rail
- millimoles per liter [Am.] <mmol/l, mmol/L>
- Millimol {pl} pro Liter <mmol/l, mmol/L>chem.unit
- grams per liter [Am.] <g/l, g/L>
- Gramm {pl} pro Liter <g/l, g/L>unit
- profit and loss <P/L, P&L>
- Gewinn und Verlust <GuV>
- lethality value <L, L-value>
- Letalitätswert {m} <L, L-Wert>biochem.FoodInd.
- album
- Album {n}
- debut album
- Debütalbum {n}mus.
- photo album
- Fotoalbum {n}photo.
- Christmas album
- Weihnachtsalbum {n}mus.
Weihnachtsplatte {f}mus.
- conceptual album
- Konzeptalbum {n}mus.
- solo album
- Soloalbum {n}mus.
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