 Übersetzung für 'la di da' von Englisch nach Deutsch
ADJ   la-di-da | more la-di-da | most la-di-da
la-di-da {adj} [coll.]geckenhaft
la-di-da {adj} [coll.]affektiert
la-di-da {adj} [coll.]manieriert
3 Wörter: Substantive
la-di-daGeck {m}
la-di-daDandy {m}
la-di-daaffektierter Kerl {m}
4 Wörter: Substantive
la-di-da appearancegeckenhaftes Auftreten {n}
la-di-da behaviour [Br.]vornehmes Getue {n}
la-di-da behaviour [Br.]geziertes Benehmen {n}
la-di-da behaviour [Br.]affektiertes Verhalten {n}
la-di-da mannersVornehmtuerei {f} [abwertend]
la-di-da manners {pl}Vornehmgetue {n} [ugs.] [pej.]
5+ Wörter: Substantive
la-di-da way of speakinggeckenhaftes Gerede {n}
la-di-da way of speaking [coll.]vornehmes Gerede {n} [ugs.]
la-de-da {adj} [coll.]affektiert
di-sulphated iduronic acid <Di-S-IdoA> [Br.]
disulfatierte Iduronsäure {f}
di-sulfated iduronic acid <Di-S-IdoA> [Am.]
disulfatierte Iduronsäure {f}
to be in la-la land [coll.] [fig.]weggetreten sein [ugs.] [fig.]
la-la land [Am.] [coll.] [dream land]La-La-Land {n} [Traumland]
direct-injection box <DI, DI box>
DI-Box {f}
direct-input unit <DI, DI unit>
DI-Box {f}
la-la land [sl.][Reich der Märchen und Fantasie]
la-la land [sl.][Spitzname für Los Angeles und Hollywood]
direct box <DI, DI box>
DI-Box {f}
digital intermediate <DI>
digitale Zwischenkopie {f}
drug interaction <DI>
Arzneimittelwechselwirkung {f}
Doppler index <DI>
Doppler-Index {m} <DI>
directivity index <DI>
Richtwirkungs­index {m} <DI>
Matteo di Bascio
Matthäus {m} von Bascio
diabetes insipidus <DI>
Diabetes insipidus {m} <DI>
aria di bravura
Bravourarie {f}
dynamic ileus <DI>
dynamischer Ileus {m}
diabetes insipidus <DI>
Wasserharnruhr {f}
directivity index <DI>
Bündelungs­maß {n}
34 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'la di da' von Englisch nach Deutsch

la-di-da {adj} [coll.]
la-di-da {adj} [coll.]


Geck {m}

Dandy {m}

affektierter Kerl {m}

la-di-da appearance
geckenhaftes Auftreten {n}
la-di-da behaviour [Br.]
vornehmes Getue {n}

geziertes Benehmen {n}

affektiertes Verhalten {n}
la-di-da manners
Vornehmtuerei {f} [abwertend]
la-di-da manners {pl}
Vornehmgetue {n} [ugs.] [pej.]

la-di-da way of speaking
geckenhaftes Gerede {n}
la-di-da way of speaking [coll.]
vornehmes Gerede {n} [ugs.]

la-de-da {adj} [coll.]
di-sulphated iduronic acid <Di-S-IdoA> [Br.]
disulfatierte Iduronsäure {f}chem.pharm.
di-sulfated iduronic acid <Di-S-IdoA> [Am.]
disulfatierte Iduronsäure {f}chem.pharm.
to be in la-la land [coll.] [fig.]
weggetreten sein [ugs.] [fig.]
la-la land [Am.] [coll.] [dream land]
La-La-Land {n} [Traumland]
direct-injection box <DI, DI box>
DI-Box {f}audio
direct-input unit <DI, DI unit>
DI-Box {f}audio
la-la land [sl.]
[Reich der Märchen und Fantasie]

[Spitzname für Los Angeles und Hollywood]
direct box <DI, DI box>
DI-Box {f}audio
digital intermediate <DI>
digitale Zwischenkopie {f}film
drug interaction <DI>
Arzneimittelwechselwirkung {f}med.pharm.
Doppler index <DI>
Doppler-Index {m} <DI>med.
directivity index <DI>
Richtwirkungs­index {m} <DI>audio

Bündelungs­maß {n}audio
Matteo di Bascio
Matthäus {m} von Basciohist.
diabetes insipidus <DI>
Diabetes insipidus {m} <DI>med.

Wasserharnruhr {f}med.
aria di bravura
Bravourarie {f}mus.
dynamic ileus <DI>
dynamischer Ileus {m}med.VetMed.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • He was one of the very first hip-hop artists to be covered, when Snoop Dogg (then Snoop Doggy Dogg) rapped Rick's lyrics from his record "La Di Da Di" almost in their entirety on the track 'Lodi Dodi' on his debut album "Doggystyle" in 1993.
  • Fresh's "La Di Da Di", which went against Disco Rick's wishes.
  • As for the chorus, or "hook", the melody and phrasing is interpolated from a lyrical section of Slick Rick's song "La Di Da Di", and it is also from these lyrics that the title "Hypnotize" is derived.
  • "La Di Da Di" is a song performed by Doug E. Fresh, who provides the beatboxed instrumental, and MC Ricky D (later known as Slick Rick), who performs the vocals.
  • "Here Comes the Hotstepper" contains several samples, including vocals from "The Champ" by The Mohawks, "Hot Pants" by Bobby Byrd, and "La Di Da Di" by Doug E.

  • Peter Shapiro says that Broadus debuted on "Deep Cover" with a "shockingly original flow – which sounded like a Slick Rick born in South Carolina instead of South London" and adds that he "showed where his style came from by covering Slick Rick's 'La Di Da Di'".
  • Two of their songs "The Show" and "La Di Da Di" are considered early hip hop classics.
  • This double-LP album release included live recordings from the Wattstax concert event, as well as a handful of studio recordings - The Staples Singers' "Oh La Di Da" and Eddie Floyd's "Lay Your Loving on Me" - overdubbed with audience reactions.
  • by A Tribe Called Quest and has a quote from "La Di Da Di" by Slick Rick and Doug E.
  • Fresh and Slick Rick's "La Di Da Di".

  • For his verse, Sticky Fingaz took and redid the Slick Rick's verse from the song "La Di Da Di".
  • The accompanying music video for "My Heart Goes Boom (La Di Da Da)" was directed by Wiebke Berndt.
  • The song contains samples from "Bertha Butt Boogie" by The Jimmy Castor Bunch, "Drop the Bomb" and "Let's Get Small" by Trouble Funk, "Funky Stuff" by Kool & The Gang, "Take Me to the Mardi Gras" by Bob James, "Christmas Rappin'" by Kurtis Blow and "La Di Da Di" by Doug E.
  • King Street subsequently became Melbourne's main nightclub district, with some of Melbourne's largest clubs including Clique Lounge Bar, Tramp, Inflation, La Di Da, Brown Alley & Sorry Grandma along the strip.
  • Guests play a small but significant role in Trina's presentation.

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