 Übersetzung für 'laboratory assistant' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a laboratory assistant | laboratory assistants
laboratory assistantLaborassistent {m}
laboratory assistant
Laborant {m}
laboratory assistant
Laborgehilfe {m}
laboratory assistant [female]
Laborantin {f}
3 Wörter
chemical laboratory assistant
Chemielaborant {m}
chemical laboratory assistant [female]
Chemielaborantin {f}
assistant's arm [assistant's unit]
Helferinnenarm {m} [Helferinneneinheit]
laboratoryLabor {n}
laboratoryForschungs­stätte {f}
laboratoryLaboratorium {n}
film laboratory
Filmlabor {n}
laboratory suite
Laborbereich {m}
laboratory notebook
Laborjournal {n}
laboratory notebook
Laborbuch {n}
safety laboratory
Sicherheitslabor {n}
laboratory conditions
Laborbedingungen {pl}
laboratory inspection
Laborinspektion {f}
laboratory sample
Laboratoriumsprobe {f}
laboratory microscope
Laboratoriumsmikroskop {n}
laboratory result
Laborresultat {n}
laboratory result
Laboratoriumsbefund {m}
mobile laboratory
mobiles Labor {n}
laboratory research Laborforschung {f} [im Gegensatz zur Feldforschung]
laboratory parameter
Laborparameter {m}
quarantine laboratory
Quarantänelabor {n}
laboratory microscope
Labormikroskop {n}
26 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • His first acquaintance with chemistry was gained as laboratory assistant to an apothecary in Rouen (1777–1779), and after various vicissitudes he obtained an introduction to A.
  • Turning away from botany because of an unpleasant laboratory assistant, she tried chemistry but did not like its quantitative procedures.
  • His plans of becoming a physician could not be realized at first as he was diagnosed with a neuromuscular degeneration which forced him to leave medical school and work as a laboratory assistant at a hospital in the Panama Canal Zone.
  • Receives a position of a laboratory assistant at the chair of Plant Physiology and later (1885) in the Petrovskaya Agricultural Academy.
  • He was a scientist who held a number of odd jobs, including auto mechanic, television repairman, and electronics laboratory assistant.

  • In 1916 he left school due to bad grades and started to work as a laboratory assistant at Dreyfus.
  • Her father (born 1 June 1950) is a distant member of the royal family and worked as the chief laboratory assistant at the Water Services Division in the Public Works Department.
  • The case was claimed to be an error made by the laboratory assistant.
  • Bostwick also acted as his laboratory assistant at the Collège de France in Paris, and consequently became the first woman admitted to that institution.
  • Atkins left school (Dr Challoner's Grammar School, Amersham) at fifteen and took a job at Monsanto as a laboratory assistant.

  • Between 1963 and 1972 Ntshona worked as a laboratory assistant in a timber factory.
  • Bellamy's first work in a scientific environment was as a laboratory assistant at Ewell Technical College before he studied for his Bachelor of Science at Chelsea.
  • He joined Imperial Chemical Industries in Blackley, Manchester, in 1969 as a scientific laboratory assistant, leaving to go to university in 1973.
  • Hence, Dorothy began working as a teacher and a laboratory assistant while secretly submitting work to magazines.
  • Issue #44 (June 1963) featured the debut of his socialite girlfriend and laboratory assistant Janet van Dyne.

  • It is the fictional account of John Rivers, a student physicist in the 1920s who was hired out of college as a laboratory assistant to Henry Maartens.
  • He studied under Jean-Baptiste Dumas as a laboratory assistant and worked with Charles Frédéric Gerhardt.
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