 Übersetzung für 'lacerated' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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VERB   to lacerate | lacerated | lacerated
lacerating | lacerates
SYNO lacerate | lacerated | mangled | ...
lacerated {adj} {past-p}verwundet [physisch, psychisch]
lacerated {adj} {past-p}aufgerissen
sb./sth. laceratedjd./etw. zerfleischte
lacerated {adj} {past-p}zerfetzt
lacerated {adj} {past-p} [knee, ankle, etc.]
aufgeschlagen [Knie, Knöchel usw.]
lacerated piercing [Foramen lacerum]
zerrissenes Loch {n}
lacerated wound
Risswunde {f}
lacerated stropharia [Stropharia hornemannii]
Üppiger Träuschling {m}
8 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The report indicates detainees were beaten with iron bars, kicked, lacerated, and threatened with death.
  • While that was successful, he lacerated his left hand on the ensuing 60-foot drop.
  • His shin was lacerated in a football game, and the wound never healed properly.
  • Payne spent most of his 3rd year battling neck and back injuries and missing three games due to lacerated kidneys.
  • In 1990, he suffered a lacerated forehead in the season opener against the Browns and did not start in the next 2 contests.

  • Noel suffered a broken rib and back, and a lacerated spleen.
  • 1968: A ski-doo accident fatally lacerated a logger's neck.
  • "Gehyra lacerata", also known as the lacerated dtella or the Kanchanaburi four-clawed gecko, is a species of gecko. It is native to Thailand and Vietnam.
  • Lattimore suffered a lacerated kidney during a Week 5 matchup against the Seattle Seahawks and did not return until Week 17.
  • As a sophomore, he started in the first 9 games, before missing last three with a lacerated kidney he suffered in practice.

  • However, two days later, Andrew Luck was hospitalized with a lacerated kidney along with an abdominal injury.
  • In 2012, she "lacerated" her face in Kimberley, British Columbia in a Super-G event.
  • The next day, it was revealed that he suffered a lacerated kidney and was placed on injured reserve on December 19, 2017.
  • The yellow flowers are present between September and February. The spreading petals have lacerated edges.
  • In January 2012 King suffered a lacerated ear injury in a collision with Xavier Rush of the Cardiff Blues and had to undergo emergency plastic surgery at Morriston Hospital, Swansea.

  • In July 2020, Quintana underwent surgery to repair a lacerated nerve on his thumb on his throwing arm, which he incurred while washing dishes. He pitched 10 innings in the season, with a 4.50 ERA.
  • His accident resulted in a torn artery, lacerated pancreas and a damaged scrotum.
  • It was here, at the age of eleven, where his arm was lacerated so badly by a spinning machine it had to be amputated; for which he received no compensation.
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