Übersetzung für '
lambast' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| VERB | to lambast | lambasted | lambasted lambasting | lambasts |
| SYNO | to cane | to flog | to lambast | ... |
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
5 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- with Seth and Amy", in which the pair lambast celebrities for lack of common sense.
- Bulman, a reviewer of "The Star Beast" for the librarians' magazine "Library Journal" wrote Dalgliesh that, unless Scribners recalled all copies of the book and revised it to remove things to which he objected, he would "lambast" it in that librarians' trade journal.
- Increasingly he would lambast Labour ministers on television, although he continued to work together with Ministers in private.
- William Archer, England's chief proponent of Ibsen's new drama, took advantage of the occasion to lambast what he saw as the overestimation of Elizabethan theatre in general.
- Critics and opposition of the government use social media, especially Twitter, as a platform to lambast Duterte for various issues happening in the country.
- He would lambast the thoughtless exuberance with which Africans themselves embraced such things, and gradually engineered what he would have considered a self-degradation that went far beyond a loss of cultural identity.
- ' Vincent Canby described Claude Sautet as an artist who often uses his films to lambast bourgeoisie's hypocrisy, a trait that is seen in this and other movies he directed.
- Cope's own rapid and prodigious output of scientific papers meant that Marsh had no difficulty in finding occasional errors with which to lambast Cope.
- The story was featured heavily in the Italian media, and was used by opponents to lambast Berlusconi.
- On his resignation from the patent agency, Page used the "American Journal of Science" as a forum to critique and even lambast the agency and policies which he had upheld for 10 years prior.
- George Balboa - The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Balboa spares no effort to lambast the Air Force's battle capabilities; Elliott thinks the admiral is using his position to continue an old grudge from their days at the National War College.
- He protected the internees as much as possible; and even managed to lambast the Japanese officers on occasion.
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