Übersetzung für '
lambaste' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| VERB | to lambaste | lambasted | lambasted lambasting | lambastes |
| SYNO | to cane | to flog | to lambast | ... |
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
5 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- The angry lyrics lambaste the prying media and false friendships, and is driven by a pulsing beat.
- Ferreira resigned and returned to Buenos Aires to devote himself to journalism in the newspaper "La Republica", in whose columns continued to lambaste the Alliance.
- Jackson and his followers promptly accused Clay and Adams of striking a "corrupt bargain," and continued to lambaste the president until the 1828 election.
- In 1947, when Low was federal leader of the Social Credit party, he used a national Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) broadcast to lambaste "the international power maniacs who aim to destroy Christianity" and the "international gangsters who are day-to-day scheming for world revolution."
- Being one of the typical soup-song genre, Rathna Kumar wanted this song to end the entire genre of bar songs that lambaste women.
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