Übersetzung für '
lapin' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| NOUN | a lapin | lapins |
| SYNO | lapin | rabbit |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
3 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Abramoff also negotiated a $1.2 million no-bid contract from the Marianas for 'promoting ethics in government' to be awarded to David Lapin, brother of Daniel Lapin.
- Lapin applied and received a patent for "dispensing valves for gas pressure containers".
- He treated this life in his books "Les Ritals" and "L'œil du lapin".
- Un lapin courait après moi.
- Civet de lapin (rabbit stew) is an alternative to "civet de lièvre". It is considered a speciality of the cuisine of Martinique.
- The Rabbit of Paris Métro (French: Lapin du métro parisien), also known as Serge the Rabbit (Serge le lapin), is a fictional character that has been used as a mascot by the RATP Group since the 1970s to promote child safety in the Paris Métro.
- The "boulet à la liégeoise" (or more regionally called "boulet sauce lapin", "boulet (sauce) chasseur", or "Boulets") is a Belgian dish made from balls of mixed minced pork and beef in a sweet-sour sauce.
- In 2003, a Japanese car modification company called DAMD came up with a design called the Ancel Lapin which could transform a first-generation Suzuki Lapin into a Renault 4 lookalike.
- Samuel Lapin composed his version of the Admiral Dewey March in a two-step and piano form.
- Rabbi Daniel Lapin and Rabbi David Lapin are the older brothers of Raphael Lapin, their sister is Rebbetzin Judith Chill [...].
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