 Übersetzung für 'like that' von Englisch nach Deutsch
like thatso
like thatungefähr so
3 Wörter: Andere
anything like thatetwas wie das
Be like that!Du kannst mich mal!
He'll like that.Das wird ihm gefallen.
I like that!Sowas mag ich!
just like that {adv}ohne Weiteres
just like that {adv}ohne weiteres
just like that {adv}mir nichts, dir nichts
just like that {adv} [for no particular reason]einfach so [aus keinem bestimmten Grund]
like that (one)wie jener
Something like that.Sowas Ähnliches. [ugs.]
Stuff like that. [coll.]Sowas in der Art. [ugs.]
Yeah, like that.Ja, so in etwa.
3 Wörter: Substantive
people like thatsolche Leute {pl}
something like that [something similar] so etwas Ähnliches {n} [auch: so etwas ähnliches]
4 Wörter: Andere
... and stuff (like that). [coll.]... und so. [ugs.]
... and stuff (like that). [coll.]... und sowas. [ugs.]
... and stuff (like that). [coll.]... und solches Zeug. [ugs.]
... and stuff like that. [coll.]... und all so Sachen. [ugs.]
a ... like this / that [German feminine singular; e.g. a jacket like this/that]so 'ne [ugs.] [so eine; z. B. so 'ne Jacke]
a ... like this / that [German feminine singular; e.g. a jacket like this/that] sone [seltener] [so 'ne] [ugs.] [so eine; z. B. sone Jacke]
a ... like this / that [German masculine/neuter singular; e.g. a coat/dress like this/that]so 'n [ugs.] [so ein; z. B. so 'n Mantel/Kleid]
a ... like this / that [German masculine/neuter singular; e.g. a coat/dress like this/that] son [seltener] [so 'n] [ugs.] [so ein; z. B. son Mantel/Kleid]
a thing like thatso etwas
Don't be like that!Hab dich nicht so!
Don't look like that!Schau nicht so dumm!
He is like that.Er ist nun einmal so.
like that of a ...ähnlich dem eines ...
or something like thatoder so ähnlich
or something like thatoder etwas in der Richtung
or something like that <OSLT>
oder so etwas in der Art
somebody like that / thisso jemand
someone like that / thisso jemand
That hurt like hell.Das hat doll wehgetan. [ugs.] [regional]
That hurts like shit. [vulg.]Scheiße, tut das weh. [vulg.]
That sounds like fun.Das klingt nach Spaß.
That's just like you.
Das sieht dir ähnlich.
That's more like it. [coll.]Das ist schon besser.
That's nothing like enough!Das reicht doch hinten und vorne nicht!
4 Wörter: Verben
to do sth. just like that [coll.] [idiom] etw.Akk. im Vorübergehen erledigen [Redewendung]
4 Wörter: Substantive
a thing like thatso eine Sache {f}
books like that / thoseBücher {pl} wie jenes / jene
5+ Wörter: Andere
anyone who acts like thatwer sich so benimmt
Does Ryanair always treat its customers like that?
Behandelt Ryanair seine Kunden immer so?
Don't go on like that!Hör auf damit!
Don't look at me like that!Schau mich nicht so an!
Don't shout like that, I'm not deaf.Schrei nicht so, ich bin doch nicht taub!
Have you ever seen one like that?Hast du so etwas schon einmal gesehen?
How can you get anything done with people like that?Mit diesen Leuten soll man etwas fertig kriegen?
How do you like that?Wie gefällt dir das?
I / I'd like to think (that) ...Ich gehe mal davon aus, dass ...
I didn't mean it like that.Ich habe es nicht so gemeint.
I don't like that at all.Das geht mir contre cœur. [geh.]
I don't like the look of that guy. [coll.]Ich trau dem Typen nicht. [ugs.]
I don't like the look of that head injury.
Mir gefällt diese Kopfverletzung (ganz und) gar nicht.
I should like to point out that...Ich erlaube mir die Bemerkung, dass...
I won't be spoken to like that!Ich verbitte mir diesen Ton!
I won't be spoken to like that!So lasse ich nicht mit mir reden!
I wouldn't be seen dead in a place like that. [idiom] Keine zehn Pferde würden mich an solch einen Ort bringen. [Redewendung]
I'd like this one, not that one. Ich möchte diesen / diese / dieses, nicht den / die / das da.
I'd like to see anyone else do that!Das macht mir bestimmt keiner nach!
I'd like to see anyone else do that!Das soll mir erst mal einer nachmachen!
I'd like to think (that ) ...Ich gehe mal davon aus, dass ...
I've often seen ones like that.Ich habe solche oft gesehen.
I've seen one like that.So einen / eine / eines habe ich gesehen.
If they continue like that ...Wenn sie so weitermachen ...
In a village like that naturally people talk a lot.In so einem Dorf wird natürlich viel geredet.
In addition, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that ...Außerdem bitten wir zu beachten, dass ...
It can't go on like that / this.So kann es nicht weitergehen.
It had always been like that.Das war schon seit jeher so.
Something like that would work.Sowas / so was geht. [ugs.]
That sounds like a good idea.Das hört sich gut an. [Vorschlag]
That sounds suspiciously like "no" to me. In meinen Ohren klingt das verdächtig nach "nein".
That would be like opening a can of worms! [idiom]Das ist ein Stich ins Wespennest! [Redewendung]
ungeprüft That's (just) what I like (to see / hear / ...)!Das lob ich mir! [ugs.]
Unfortunately, we can't produce the money for it just like that. Wir können das Geld dafür leider nicht aus dem Ärmel schütteln.
We would like to point out that ...Wir möchten betonen, dass ...
We would like to point out that ...Wir machen Sie darauf aufmerksam, dass ...
We would like to remind you that ... Wir möchten Sie daran erinnern, dass ... [formelle Anrede]
We would like to stress that ...Wir möchten betonen, dass ...
When I see a bird that walks like a duck and swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, I call that bird a duck. [Duck typing; James Whitcomb Riley]
Wenn ich einen Vogel sehe, der wie eine Ente läuft, wie eine Ente schwimmt und wie eine Ente schnattert, dann nenne ich diesen Vogel eine Ente. [Duck-Typing; James Whitcomb Riley]
With friends like that, who needs enemies?
Mit solchen Freunden braucht man keine Feinde mehr.
Would you like cashback (with that)? [Br.] [when paying by card]
Möchten Sie Geld abheben? [formelle Anrede] [beim Zahlen mit Karte]
Would you like fries with that? [sarcastically]Sonst noch was? [ugs.] [sarkastisch]
You would like that, wouldn't you?
Das könnte dir so passen!
5+ Wörter: Verben
to be into things­ like that [coll.]auf so was stehen [ugs.]
to come up with sth. just like that
etw.Akk. aus dem Ärmel schütteln [fig.]
to look like the cat that got the cream
selbstzufrieden aussehen
to look like the cat that swallowed / ate the canary
selbstzufrieden aussehen
like-for-like sales <LFL> [adjusted for retail space]
flächenbereinigter Umsatz {m}
like-for-like figuresVergleichszahlen {pl}
That's what gives it that extra something. [idiom]Das ist das Salz in der Suppe. [Redewendung]
That's a far cry from saying that ... [idiom]Das heißt noch lange nicht, dass ...
And that's the end of that! [idiom] Schluss, aus, Punktum! [geh.] [veraltet] [Redewendung]
That's the most beautiful thing that I've ever seen.
Das ist das Schönste, was ich je gesehen habe.
If ..., that's the end of that. Wenn ..., dann ist (damit) Feierabend. [ugs.] [fig.]
That's / That is sufficient (for me).Das genügt (mir).
That's / That is enough (for me).Das genügt (mir).
That's the end of that!
Damit hat es sich!
That's not to say (that) ...Das soll nicht heißen, dass ...
like-for-like {adj}gleichwertig
Well, that's that then.
Damit ist jetzt Feierabend. [ugs.]
And that's that! [coll.]Und aus! [ugs.]
And that's that!Punktum! [veraltend]
And that's that!
Und damit hat sich's!
And that's that!Und damit basta!
And that's that.So ist es.
And that's the day I knew there was this entire life behind things­, and... this incredibly benevolent force, that wanted me to know there was no reason to be afraid, ever. [American Beauty]
An diesem Tag ist mir klar geworden, dass hinter allem Leben steckt. Und diese unglaublich gütige Kraft, die mich wissen lassen wollte, dass es keinen Grund gibt, Angst zu haben.
Remember those posters that said, "Today is the first day of the rest of your life"? Well, that's true of every day but one - the day you die. [American Beauty]
Erinnern Sie sich an die Werbeplakate, auf denen stand "Heute ist der erste Tag vom Rest deines Lebens"? Das trifft auf jeden Tag zu bis auf einen - den, an dem man stirbt.
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Übersetzung für 'like that' von Englisch nach Deutsch

like that

ungefähr so

anything like that
etwas wie das
Be like that!
Du kannst mich mal!
He'll like that.
Das wird ihm gefallen.
I like that!
Sowas mag ich!
just like that {adv}
ohne Weiteres

ohne weiteres

mir nichts, dir nichts
just like that {adv} [for no particular reason]
einfach so [aus keinem bestimmten Grund]
like that (one)
wie jener
Something like that.
Sowas Ähnliches. [ugs.]
Stuff like that. [coll.]
Sowas in der Art. [ugs.]
Yeah, like that.
Ja, so in etwa.

people like that
solche Leute {pl}
something like that [something similar]
so etwas Ähnliches {n} [auch: so etwas ähnliches]

... and stuff (like that). [coll.]
... und so. [ugs.]

... und sowas. [ugs.]

... und solches Zeug. [ugs.]
... and stuff like that. [coll.]
... und all so Sachen. [ugs.]
a ... like this / that [German feminine singular; e.g. a jacket like this/that]
so 'ne [ugs.] [so eine; z. B. so 'ne Jacke]

sone [seltener] [so 'ne] [ugs.] [so eine; z. B. sone Jacke]
a ... like this / that [German masculine/neuter singular; e.g. a coat/dress like this/that]
so 'n [ugs.] [so ein; z. B. so 'n Mantel/Kleid]

son [seltener] [so 'n] [ugs.] [so ein; z. B. son Mantel/Kleid]
a thing like that
so etwas

so eine Sache {f}
Don't be like that!
Hab dich nicht so!
Don't look like that!
Schau nicht so dumm!
He is like that.
Er ist nun einmal so.
like that of a ...
ähnlich dem eines ...
or something like that
oder so ähnlich

oder etwas in der Richtung
or something like that <OSLT>
oder so etwas in der Artcomp.idiom
somebody like that / this
so jemand
someone like that / this
so jemand
That hurt like hell.
Das hat doll wehgetan. [ugs.] [regional]
That hurts like shit. [vulg.]
Scheiße, tut das weh. [vulg.]
That sounds like fun.
Das klingt nach Spaß.
That's just like you.
Das sieht dir ähnlich.idiom
That's more like it. [coll.]
Das ist schon besser.
That's nothing like enough!
Das reicht doch hinten und vorne nicht!

to do sth. just like that [coll.] [idiom]
etw.Akk. im Vorübergehen erledigen [Redewendung]

books like that / those
Bücher {pl} wie jenes / jene

anyone who acts like that
wer sich so benimmt
Does Ryanair always treat its customers like that?
Behandelt Ryanair seine Kunden immer so?TrVocab.
Don't go on like that!
Hör auf damit!
Don't look at me like that!
Schau mich nicht so an!
Don't shout like that, I'm not deaf.
Schrei nicht so, ich bin doch nicht taub!
Have you ever seen one like that?
Hast du so etwas schon einmal gesehen?
How can you get anything done with people like that?
Mit diesen Leuten soll man etwas fertig kriegen?
How do you like that?
Wie gefällt dir das?
I / I'd like to think (that) ...
Ich gehe mal davon aus, dass ...
I didn't mean it like that.
Ich habe es nicht so gemeint.
I don't like that at all.
Das geht mir contre cœur. [geh.]
I don't like the look of that guy. [coll.]
Ich trau dem Typen nicht. [ugs.]
I don't like the look of that head injury.
Mir gefällt diese Kopfverletzung (ganz und) gar nicht.med.
I should like to point out that...
Ich erlaube mir die Bemerkung, dass...
I won't be spoken to like that!
Ich verbitte mir diesen Ton!

So lasse ich nicht mit mir reden!
I wouldn't be seen dead in a place like that. [idiom]
Keine zehn Pferde würden mich an solch einen Ort bringen. [Redewendung]
I'd like this one, not that one.
Ich möchte diesen / diese / dieses, nicht den / die / das da.
I'd like to see anyone else do that!
Das macht mir bestimmt keiner nach!

Das soll mir erst mal einer nachmachen!
I'd like to think (that ) ...
Ich gehe mal davon aus, dass ...
I've often seen ones like that.
Ich habe solche oft gesehen.
I've seen one like that.
So einen / eine / eines habe ich gesehen.
If they continue like that ...
Wenn sie so weitermachen ...
In a village like that naturally people talk a lot.
In so einem Dorf wird natürlich viel geredet.
In addition, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that ...
Außerdem bitten wir zu beachten, dass ...
It can't go on like that / this.
So kann es nicht weitergehen.
It had always been like that.
Das war schon seit jeher so.
Something like that would work.
Sowas / so was geht. [ugs.]
That sounds like a good idea.
Das hört sich gut an. [Vorschlag]
That sounds suspiciously like "no" to me.
In meinen Ohren klingt das verdächtig nach "nein".
That would be like opening a can of worms! [idiom]
Das ist ein Stich ins Wespennest! [Redewendung]
That's (just) what I like (to see / hear / ...)!
ungeprüft Das lob ich mir! [ugs.]
Unfortunately, we can't produce the money for it just like that.
Wir können das Geld dafür leider nicht aus dem Ärmel schütteln.
We would like to point out that ...
Wir möchten betonen, dass ...

Wir machen Sie darauf aufmerksam, dass ...
We would like to remind you that ...
Wir möchten Sie daran erinnern, dass ... [formelle Anrede]
We would like to stress that ...
Wir möchten betonen, dass ...
When I see a bird that walks like a duck and swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, I call that bird a duck. [Duck typing; James Whitcomb Riley]
Wenn ich einen Vogel sehe, der wie eine Ente läuft, wie eine Ente schwimmt und wie eine Ente schnattert, dann nenne ich diesen Vogel eine Ente. [Duck-Typing; James Whitcomb Riley]quote
With friends like that, who needs enemies?
Mit solchen Freunden braucht man keine Feinde mehr.proverb
Would you like cashback (with that)? [Br.] [when paying by card]
Möchten Sie Geld abheben? [formelle Anrede] [beim Zahlen mit Karte]TrVocab.
Would you like fries with that? [sarcastically]
Sonst noch was? [ugs.] [sarkastisch]
You would like that, wouldn't you?
Das könnte dir so passen!idiom

to be into things­ like that [coll.]
auf so was stehen [ugs.]
to come up with sth. just like that
etw.Akk. aus dem Ärmel schütteln [fig.]idiom
to look like the cat that got the cream
selbstzufrieden aussehenidiom
to look like the cat that swallowed / ate the canary
selbstzufrieden aussehenidiom

like-for-like sales <LFL> [adjusted for retail space]
flächenbereinigter Umsatz {m}comm.econ.
like-for-like figures
Vergleichszahlen {pl}
That's what gives it that extra something. [idiom]
Das ist das Salz in der Suppe. [Redewendung]
That's a far cry from saying that ... [idiom]
Das heißt noch lange nicht, dass ...
And that's the end of that! [idiom]
Schluss, aus, Punktum! [geh.] [veraltet] [Redewendung]
That's the most beautiful thing that I've ever seen.
Das ist das Schönste, was ich je gesehen habe.TrVocab.
If ..., that's the end of that.
Wenn ..., dann ist (damit) Feierabend. [ugs.] [fig.]
That's / That is sufficient (for me).
Das genügt (mir).
That's / That is enough (for me).
Das genügt (mir).
That's the end of that!
Damit hat es sich!idiom
That's not to say (that) ...
Das soll nicht heißen, dass ...
like-for-like {adj}
Well, that's that then.
Damit ist jetzt Feierabend. [ugs.]idiom
And that's that! [coll.]
Und aus! [ugs.]
And that's that!
Punktum! [veraltend]

Und damit hat sich's!idiom

Und damit basta!
And that's that.
So ist es.
And that's the day I knew there was this entire life behind things­, and... this incredibly benevolent force, that wanted me to know there was no reason to be afraid, ever. [American Beauty]
An diesem Tag ist mir klar geworden, dass hinter allem Leben steckt. Und diese unglaublich gütige Kraft, die mich wissen lassen wollte, dass es keinen Grund gibt, Angst zu haben.quote
Remember those posters that said, "Today is the first day of the rest of your life"? Well, that's true of every day but one - the day you die. [American Beauty]
Erinnern Sie sich an die Werbeplakate, auf denen stand "Heute ist der erste Tag vom Rest deines Lebens"? Das trifft auf jeden Tag zu bis auf einen - den, an dem man stirbt.quote
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The popularized version of a scissor kick is, while lying down, or jumping, the kicker brings both legs to both sides of the opponent's legs or to their body and head, then brings both in as a take down (as the name states, leg motions are like that of a pair of scissors).
  • The Israeli premiere of the musical, אל תוך היער (El Toch Ha-ya-ar), opened in Tel Aviv in August 2016 for a limited run produced by The Tramp Productions and Stuff Like That, starring Roi Dolev as the Witch, the second male actor to do so.
  • In these oligotrophic waters, cell growth of larger phytoplankton like that of diatoms is limited by low nitrate concentrations.
  • The coyote's center pad is relatively shaped like that of a rounded triangle.
  • Senator John Cornyn characterized China in March 2020 as "a culture where people eat bats and snakes and dogs and things like that".

  • The frog of a cello bow typically has a rounded corner like that of a viola bow, but is wider.
  • Their dress in short was very like that of the Cistercians.
  • This commonwealth was led by chieftains, whose position could be bought and sold like that of private property.
  • The group received their second Grammy nomination in 1995 for "I Ain't Goin' Out Like That".
  • Cambodia's climate, like that of much of the rest of mainland Southeast Asia is dominated by monsoons, which are known as tropical wet and dry because of the distinctly marked seasonal differences.

  • Strangers on the street often called him "Mr. Maude", consoling him for having such a difficult wife. "I used to tell them that people like that really existed," Macy explained.
  • Although some critics took issue with the film's slow pace and restrained emotion, its reputation, like that of many of Kubrick's works, has grown over time.
  • Capacities of main memory and cache memory are usually expressed with customary binary prefixes On the other hand, flash memory, like that found in solid state drives, mostly uses SI prefixes in other areas such as network communication speeds and processor speeds.
  • The Arabic alphabet derives from the Aramaic through Nabatean, to which it bears a loose resemblance like that of Coptic or Cyrillic scripts to Greek script.
  • On the other hand, the founding polyp of a coral has a shape like that of its daughter polyps, and coral zooids have no coelom or lophophore.

  • Its format is like that of modern travel dictionaries; i.e., it may have been used by German speakers to communicate with Old Prussians, but the specific circumstances are only speculative.
  • Chemoattractants or chemorepellents bind MCPs at its extracellular domain; an intracellular signaling domain relays the changes in concentration of these chemotactic ligands to downstream proteins like that of CheA which then relays this signal to flagellar motors via phosphorylated CheY (CheY-P).
  • For instance, a CPU might have an instruction like: [...] that adds the value read from memory location "memaddress" to the value in the accumulator, placing the result back in the accumulator.
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