| ADJ | like | liker | likest |
| NOUN | a like | likes |
| VERB | to like | liked | liked liking | likes |
| SYNO | alike | comparable | corresponding | ... |
ADJ positive | comparative | superlative
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
Neue Wörterbuch-Abfrage: Einfach jetzt tippen!
- Like {m} {n} [soziale Netzwerke] = like [social networks]
- Sir2-like-Proteine {pl} [Sirtuine] = Sir2-like proteins [sirtuins]
- Toll-like-Rezeptor {m} <TLR> [auch: Toll-like Rezeptor] = toll-like receptor <TLR>
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- In the TV series, the Mulefa's heads are shown to be giraffe-like with elephant-like trunks and they have hippopotamus-like feet.
- EGF-like module-containing mucin-like hormone receptor-like 3 is a protein encoded by the "ADGRE3" gene.
- These range from free-standing tree-like species (like "Retispatha dumetosa") to acaulescent shrub-like species with short subterranean stems (like "Calamus pygmaeus").
- Cleopatra Wong's original tagline in 1978 was: "She purrs like a kitten... Makes love like a siren... Fights like a panther".
- An ideal simple three-dimensional finite crystal may have vertex-like, edge-like, surface-like, and bulk-like states.
- As of 2019, grammar checkers are built into systems like Google Docs and Sapling.ai, browser extensions like Grammarly and Qordoba, desktop applications like Ginger, free and open-source software like LanguageTool, and text editor plugins like those available from WebSpellChecker Software.
- Abelodon lived alongside various archosaurs in the Koum Formation, such as ornithopod dinosaurs like "Ouranosaurus", theropods like "Spinosaurus", and crocodilians like "Araripesuchus".
- Sudhir is also associated with special projects like ‘Fearless Nadia’, theatrical productions like ‘Stories in a song’ and music festivals like ‘Baajaa Gaajaa’ which have gained international acclaim.
- His career path was influenced by mentors like Jurgen Bey, colleagues like Bertjan Pot, and artists like Erwin Wurm.
- An ideal wife will have these six virtues – she will be like a counselor in dealing with various situations, like a maid servant in serving her husband, like Goddess Lakshmi in beauty, like the earth in patience, like a mother in giving love and be like a Courtesan in bedroom.
- His works are inspired by poets like Grace Schulman and Christian Bobin, spiritual authors like St.
- These three cases lead to the Jacobi-like, Laguerre-like, and Hermite-like polynomials, respectively.
- Members of this genus have loboreticulopodia: wide and smooth cytoplasmic projections (like lobopodia) that can also connect to each other to form a net-like structure (like reticulopodia).
- Some non-Unix-like operating systems provide a Unix-like compatibility layer, with varying degrees of Unix-like functionality.
- Important everyday liquids include aqueous solutions like household bleach, other mixtures of different substances such as mineral oil and gasoline, emulsions like vinaigrette or mayonnaise, suspensions like blood, and colloids like paint and milk.
- Tax resisters have been violent revolutionaries like John Adams and pacifist nonresistants like John Woolman; communists like Karl Marx and capitalists like Vivien Kellems; solitary anti-war activists like Ammon Hennacy and leaders of independence movements like Mahatma Gandhi.
- Visitors also come in several categories, which all have likes and dislikes.
- Giryū have the forms of a small dragon-like [...] , an iron maiden-like [...] , a crow-like [...] , and a horse-like [...]. A number of Gen and a Karasu can combine into a humanoid [...].
- When transcribing exotic rimes (diphthongs or nasal endings), letters ꓮ and ꓬ can work like vowels just like English letter Y, making Fraser script behave like an abjadic alphabet like the Roman instead of an abugida like Tibetan; meanwhile space works like a delimiter like a Tibetan tseg, making a final consonant (such as ꓠ) possible without necessity of a halanta sign: 凉粉 [...] reads as [...] rather than as [...].
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