 Übersetzung für 'lion fish' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a lion fish | lion fishes / lion fish
lion fish [Pterois volitans]
Rotfeuerfisch {m}
lion / lion's paw feet [on objects]
Löwentatzen {pl}
common (European) antlion / ant-lion / ant lion [Myrmeleon formicarius]
Gemeine Ameisenjungfer {f} [Myrmeleontidae]
common (European) antlion / ant-lion / ant lion [Myrmeleon formicarius]
Gewöhnliche Ameisenjungfer {f} [Myrmeleontidae]
lion's-ear / lion's ear [Leonotis nepetifolia] [klip dagga, Christmas candlestick]
Kleinblättriges Löwenohr {n}
lion's-tail / lion's tail [Leonotis leonurus] [wild dagga]
Großblättriges Löwenohr {n}
lion's-tail / lion's tail [Leonotis leonurus] [wild dagga]
Afrikanisches Löwenohr {n}
lion's-ear / lion's ear [Leonurus cardiaca] [motherwort]
Echtes Herzgespann {n}
lion's-ear / lion's ear [Leonurus cardiaca] [motherwort]
Löwenschwanz {m} [Echtes Herzgespann]
lion's-tail / lion's tail [Leonurus cardiaca] [motherwort]
Herzspannkraut {n}
lion's-ear / lion's ear [Leonurus cardiaca] [motherwort]
Herzspannkraut {n}
lion's-tail / lion's tail [Leonurus cardiaca] [motherwort]
Echtes Herzgespann {n}
lion's-tail / lion's tail [Leonurus cardiaca] [motherwort]
Löwenschwanz {m} [Echtes Herzgespann]
red bandfish / band-fish / band fish [Cepola macrophthalma, syn.: Cepola rubescens] [red ribbonfish]
Roter (Gemeiner) Bandfisch {m}
vulturine fish-eagle / fish eagle [Gypohierax angolensis]
Palmgeier {m}
African knifefish / knife-fish / knife fish [Xenomystus nigri, syn.: Notopterus nigri, N. nili]
Afrikanischer Messerfisch {m}
compass jellyfish / jelly-fish / jelly fish [Chrysaora hysoscella, syn.: Medusa hysoscella]
Kompassqualle {f}
bayonet-fish / bayonet fish [Istiophorus platypterus]
Fächerfisch {m}
bayonet-fish / bayonet fish [Istiophorus platypterus]
Segelfisch {m}
lionLeu {m} [poet.]
Golden Lion
Goldener Löwe {m} [Preis bei den Filmfestspielen von Venedig]
21 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'lion fish' von Englisch nach Deutsch

lion fish [Pterois volitans]
Rotfeuerfisch {m}fishT

lion / lion's paw feet [on objects]
Löwentatzen {pl}artfurn.
common (European) antlion / ant-lion / ant lion [Myrmeleon formicarius]
Gemeine Ameisenjungfer {f} [Myrmeleontidae]entom.T

Gewöhnliche Ameisenjungfer {f} [Myrmeleontidae]entom.T
lion's-ear / lion's ear [Leonotis nepetifolia] [klip dagga, Christmas candlestick]
Kleinblättriges Löwenohr {n}bot.T
lion's-tail / lion's tail [Leonotis leonurus] [wild dagga]
Großblättriges Löwenohr {n}bot.T

Afrikanisches Löwenohr {n}bot.T
lion's-ear / lion's ear [Leonurus cardiaca] [motherwort]
Echtes Herzgespann {n}bot.T

Löwenschwanz {m} [Echtes Herzgespann]bot.T

Herzspannkraut {n}bot.T
lion's-tail / lion's tail [Leonurus cardiaca] [motherwort]
Herzspannkraut {n}bot.T

Echtes Herzgespann {n}bot.T

Löwenschwanz {m} [Echtes Herzgespann]bot.T
red bandfish / band-fish / band fish [Cepola macrophthalma, syn.: Cepola rubescens] [red ribbonfish]
Roter (Gemeiner) Bandfisch {m}fishT
vulturine fish-eagle / fish eagle [Gypohierax angolensis]
Palmgeier {m}orn.T
African knifefish / knife-fish / knife fish [Xenomystus nigri, syn.: Notopterus nigri, N. nili]
Afrikanischer Messerfisch {m}fishT
compass jellyfish / jelly-fish / jelly fish [Chrysaora hysoscella, syn.: Medusa hysoscella]
Kompassqualle {f}zool.T
bayonet-fish / bayonet fish [Istiophorus platypterus]
Fächerfisch {m}fishT

Segelfisch {m}fishT
Leu {m} [poet.]
Golden Lion
Goldener Löwe {m} [Preis bei den Filmfestspielen von Venedig]film
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The aquatic life seen includes dolphins, moray eels, lion fish, octopus and lobster.
  • Throughout the various exhibits, there is signage to educate the audience about the dangers of shark finning, introducing invasive species (like lion fish), and various other harmful practices.
  • Among the animals mimicked are lion fish (the octopus holds its arms out radially to mimic the fish's spines), sea snake (hiding 6 of its arms, it holds the remaining 2 parallel to each other), jellyfish (by inflating its mantle and trailing its arms behind it), and zebra sole (holding all 8 arms behind it as it uses its siphon to swim).
  • Divers are free to explore the wreck as there are many marine life around it. Lion fish and Frog fish can sometimes be spotted in the wreck.
  • The invasive species of lion-fish pose a serious threat to the sustainability of Jamaica's coral reefs as marine ecosystems become compromised with their rapid growth in population.

  • Produced by Song Hae-sung's TV production venture Lion Fish, it aired on Channel A from August 18 to October 7, 2012 on Saturdays and Sundays at 21:55 for 16 episodes.
  • long glass mosaic depicting animals including starlings, sparrows, lion fish, parrots, tiger beetles, and koi fish.
  • Feeder goldfish are not the proper nutrition for a lion fish.
  • Despite its hardy nature, it also must not be placed in an aquarium with larger predatory fish such as lion fish, and grouper which will often see it as a food source.
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