Übersetzung für '
lion frieze' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| NOUN | a lion frieze | lion friezes |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- It includes a frieze decorated with floral motifs and an ornate cornice with lion heads.
- Carved in the wall at the side is a frieze consisting of four squares, each depicting an animal: a lion, an elephant, a wild boar and a camel.
- Blazon: Issuant from a torse Argent and Azure a demi-lion Argent gorged with a collar Azure charged with a frieze of bezants, holding between its paws a shuttle Or, all ensigned by the Royal Crown proper and within a wreath of maple leaves Argent and thistles proper, issuant from two scrolls Sable inscribed AIR SON AR DUTHCHAIS and THE LORNE SCOTS (PEEL, DUFFERIN AND HALTON REGT) in letters Argent.
- The animal frieze had been abandoned completely. In terms of content, the same themes occurred repeatedly: Herakles with the Nemean Lion or with Geryon, Theseus with the Minotaur.
- The hall is devoid of any decoration, except for the door of the central shrine, which has pilasters and a frieze, with the threshold decorated with lion figures.
- Also extant are parts of the entablature, with lion-like protomes, a frieze and a geison pediment.
- Under the windows there is a frieze featuring laurel and palm branches – symbols of glory and victory.
- Most of the finds from Prinias (including a singular frieze of horsemen) are conserved at the Archaeological Museum at Heraklion.
- A frieze with human and animal heads symbolises trade, and a Royal Coat of Arms is displayed in the tympanum.
- The architects crowned the Ambassador with a distinctive cornice frieze of terra cotta griffins—a motif also displayed in two prominent New York skyscrapers of the period.
- Each slab has the front face decorated with a trellis-pattern like the walls of a yurt, and a simple frieze on top.
- The main entrance is flanked by pilasters that support a frieze.
- The north frieze closes with the god of the sea Poseidon, who rises up out of the ocean with a team of seahorses.
- At the same time he was an early master of the Attic animal frieze style.
- The edge of the lower plane bowl is outlined in relief by a frieze with plant elements interrupted only by four cornets from which water flows.
- Claire Genevieve Golden Vein marble wainscotting, terrazzo floors and a simple fretwork plaster frieze.
- The original Romanesque westwork is divided by a horizontal dentil and a swirl frieze, the towers have double windows with a central pillar with a cube and a bauble head.
- Corinthian columns support an entablature with a wide frieze and projecting cornice with modillions that extends across the center.
- Around the room is a frieze containing sea-monsters.
- There are two types of elements, deriving from different artistic conceptions and different craftsmen: first, a wide frieze corresponding to a course of the ashlar masonry, which shows a successions of circles with various vegetal and animal motives; second, the capitals of the engaged columns.
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