 Übersetzung für 'lion house' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a lion house | lion houses
lion house
Raubtierhaus {n}
lion / lion's paw feet [on objects]
Löwentatzen {pl}
common (European) antlion / ant-lion / ant lion [Myrmeleon formicarius]
Gewöhnliche Ameisenjungfer {f} [Myrmeleontidae]
common (European) antlion / ant-lion / ant lion [Myrmeleon formicarius]
Gemeine Ameisenjungfer {f} [Myrmeleontidae]
lion's-ear / lion's ear [Leonotis nepetifolia] [klip dagga, Christmas candlestick]
Kleinblättriges Löwenohr {n}
lion's-tail / lion's tail [Leonotis leonurus] [wild dagga]
Afrikanisches Löwenohr {n}
lion's-tail / lion's tail [Leonotis leonurus] [wild dagga]
Großblättriges Löwenohr {n}
lion's-ear / lion's ear [Leonurus cardiaca] [motherwort]
Echtes Herzgespann {n}
lion's-tail / lion's tail [Leonurus cardiaca] [motherwort]
Echtes Herzgespann {n}
lion's-ear / lion's ear [Leonurus cardiaca] [motherwort]
Löwenschwanz {m} [Echtes Herzgespann]
lion's-tail / lion's tail [Leonurus cardiaca] [motherwort]
Löwenschwanz {m} [Echtes Herzgespann]
lion's-ear / lion's ear [Leonurus cardiaca] [motherwort]
Herzspannkraut {n}
lion's-tail / lion's tail [Leonurus cardiaca] [motherwort]
Herzspannkraut {n}
house-to-house {adj} [e.g. service]Haus-zu-Haus- [z. B. Service]
house-to-house collectionHaussammlung {f}
house-to-house mission
Haus-zu-Haus-Mission {f}
house-to-house advertising
Werbung {f} von Haus zu Haus
house-to-house distribution
Direktvertrieb {m}
house-to-house selling
Haustürverkauf {m}
house-to-house canvassHaustüraktion {f}
house-to-house searchHaussuchung {f} [in mehreren Häusern]
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Young's children were taught in the basement of the Lion House by Harriet Cook (m. ...
  • Barker's "No Lion House" campaign advocated to close the existing cages and build a new natural facility for the tigers and lions.
  • During her tenure, the Beehive House and Lion House—which were operated by the YWMIA—were restored and opened to the public.
  • Robert Samut was born at the Lion House in Floriana, Malta, 4th son of Marianna Darmanin and Giuseppe Samut.
  • Other works by Dwight Perkins firm include the Lincoln Park Zoo Lion House, the Alfred Nobel School, and many residential homes.

  • The opening of this exhibit in 1997 marked the first time lions had been exhibited at the zoo since the old Lion House was closed in the early 1970s.
  • Crafts and other handmade items are sold under the name of Mormon Handicraft (a brand purchased from the LDS Church's Relief Society in 1986) and food is sold through The Lion House Pantry brand.
  • Cosimo the Elder kept a menagerie of lions in a dedicated lion house in the palazzo. He often fought them or baited them against other animals in large festivals for visiting Popes or dignitaries.
  • The Lion House is a large residence built in 1856 by Brigham Young, second president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), in Salt Lake City, Utah.
  • There, childless Eliza became a prominent member of Young's family, moving into an upper bedroom in Young's Salt Lake City residence, the Lion House.

  • walkway has let visitors view and photograph the animals in their large habitat areas from above, and at the time connected the original holding area and education building with the Bolivian Lion House and a new parking lot that was built for the increasing number of visitors.
  • The offices of the Trust are located in Lion House, Brecon. The Trust has 22 reserves, the majority of which are in the Brecon Beacons National Park. All are open to the public free of charge.
  • The buildings are now owned by LDS Church; the Beehive House is open for tours, and the Lion House is operated as an event venue.
  • Rudranath Capildeo was born on the 2nd of February 1920 into a Brahmin Hindu Indo-Trinidadian family at Anand Bhavan (translation: Mansion of Eternal Bliss; aka Lion House) on the Main Road in the city of Chaguanas in Caroni County in the then British-ruled Trinidad and Tobago.
© dict.cc English-German dictionary 2025
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