Übersetzung für '
lion hunt' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| NOUN | a lion hunt | lion hunts |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- "Løvejagten" (Danish for "the lion hunt", English title: "The Lion Hunt") was a controversial 1907 silent film by Danish producer Ole Olsen and director Viggo Larsen.
- Sir John Boardman regards the gold scabbard, decorated with tiny figures showing a lion hunt, as pre-Achaemenid Median work of about 600 BC, drawing on Assyrian styles, though other scholars disagree, and the British Museum continues to date it to the 5th or 4th centuries.
- Animals—the embodiment of romantic passion—were incorporated into paintings such as "Arab Horses Fighting in a Stable" (1860), "The Lion Hunt" (of which there exist many versions, painted between 1856 and 1861), and "Arab Saddling his Horse" (1855).
- Raja Anup Singh Badgujar saved Jahangir during a lion hunt, by intercepting and then helping to kill a lion that attacked the emperor.
- Excavations there by the Greek Archaeological Service begun in 1957 revealed large, well-built houses with colonnaded courts and rooms with mosaic floors portraying such scenes as a lion hunt and Dionysus riding a panther.
- The "Lion Hunt of Ashurbanipal" and military Lachish reliefs, both 7th century and in the British Museum, are some of the best known.
- Just then, the high priest's deputy runs into the hall and announces a miracle. Ramses has recovered and invites Horus to join him in a lion hunt at sunrise.
- A June 2007 story on CNN detailed canned hunting in South Africa and includes a video of a canned lion hunt where the animal is shot against a fence.
- Wilson refocuses on Macomber and helps him track the wounded buffalo, ominously paralleling the previous day's lion hunt.
- The lion hunt fails, and the lion mortally wounds the king.
- He was jailed another eight months in 2004 for sabotaging an Arizona mountain lion hunt and was targeted under an anti-terrorism law in 2006 for having recounted details of his Michigan State incendiary device in a public setting.
- The "Lion Hunt of Ashurbanipal" sequence was found in the same palace.
- The Hunters Palette or Lion Hunt Palette is a circa 3100 BCE cosmetic palette from the Naqada III period of late prehistoric Egypt.
- This is followed by a demonstration of a mock lion hunt and pelican fishing.
- Hadrian and Antinous held a lion hunt in the Libyan desert; a poem on the subject by the Greek Pankrates is the earliest evidence that they travelled together.
- The lion hunt scarabs emphasise the pharaoh's strength and bravery by recording that Amenhotep killed over a hundred lions (102; 110 on some scarabs) during the first ten years of his reign.
- In ancient Assyria, lion hunting was a ritualized activity reserved for kings.
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