Übersetzung für '
lion hunting' von Englisch nach Deutsch
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- The name "Matanzas" (Spanish for “slaughter” or “killing”) comes from the sea lion hunting and processing industry, which were used to provide oil and other goods.
- Cyre was, according to the legend, a courageous lion-hunting woman.
- The paper and later work is published in "Lion Hunting and Other Mathematical Pursuits : A Collection of Mathematics, Verse, and Stories by the Late Ralph P.
- Restrictions on lion hunting may reduce tolerance for the species among communities where local people benefit from trophy hunting, and may reduce funds available for anti-poaching.
- The South African Environment Minister announced long-awaited restrictions on lion hunting, declaring he was sickened by wealthy tourists shooting tamed lions from the back of a truck and felling rhinos with a bow and arrow.
- Westhoff was critical of the intentional forest fires and allegedly ineffective sea lion hunting techniques used by Chilotes travelling south to the archipelagoes of Guaitecas and Chonos.
- In 2008, Big Life was approached by Maasai elders for assistance in ending lion hunting within the Maasai warrior culture.
- At the top of the hill is a small building carrying a scene showing the king lion-hunting.
- There is a possibility that Lion hunting was a royal or imperial activity that Alexander may had deliberately participated in because he may had wanted the Roman throne for himself.
- The headwaters of the Tongue located in the Big Horn National Forest, in the Big Horn Mountains provide resources for deer, elk, bear and mountain lion hunting.
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