 Übersetzung für 'lioness' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a lioness | lionesses
lioness [Panthera leo]
Löwin {f}
2 Wörter
Guennol Lioness
Guennol-Löwin {f}
Fiktion (Literatur und Film)
The White Lioness [Henning Mankell]
Die weiße Löwin
Taxa/Spezies (Tiere, Pflanzen, Pilze)
Asiatic lioness [Panthera leo persica]
Asiatische Löwin {f}
Atlas lioness [Panthera leo leo]
Atlas-Löwin {f}
Barbary lioness [Panthera leo leo]
Berberlöwin {f}
Indian lioness [Panthera leo persica]
Indische Löwin {f}
Nubian lioness [Panthera leo leo]
Nubische Löwin {f}
Persian lioness [Panthera leo persica]
Persische Löwin {f} [selten] [Asiatische Löwin]
9 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • George only later realised why the lioness had acted so aggressively towards him.
  • Legend has it that the lioness produces milk from its paws, and the milk may pass into hollow balls given to the lioness to play with.
  • The lioness logo was redesigned in 2006 by the team kit supplier, Adidas, along with Confederación Argentina de Hockey and even some of the most representative players.
  • She became identified with another lioness goddess, Sekhmet.
  • She ends up lost and unintentionally walks into the empty den of a lioness.

  • She gives birth to a human son, but the thieves toss him in a lioness's pit to be suckled by the animal along with its cub.
  • Zalaam captures Tessa, but Sam convinces him to trade her life for Asilia, luring him into the barn where the lioness is waiting.
  • The novel includes a map of the lioness's circuitous quest, which describes a colossal spiral, terminating at Alligator Mound in Granville, Ohio.
  • Leona is a name derived from Spanish meaning "lioness".
  • There was once a lioness who had two cubs. One day, she left her cubs in their cave and went hunting.

  • The oldest representations of Artemis in Greek Archaic art portray her as Potnia Theron ("Queen of the Beasts"): a winged goddess holding a stag and lioness in her hands, or sometimes a lioness and a lion.
  • The East pediment, also known as the Lioness pediment, contained in the centre "two symmetrically placed lions killing a calf" (only one has been recovered) and two "snakes" on the side corners.
  • His most famous story is "The Lobster and the Lioness" of a drunken boarding-house lodger who mistakes a runaway lioness for a large shaggy dog.
  • It depicts a bound male prisoner being killed by a lioness. The upper torso and head of the prisoner are shown, with the giant lioness behind him, sinking her teeth into his skull.
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