 Übersetzung für 'lionesses' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   a lioness | lionesses
Löwinnen {pl}
The Three Lionesses {pl}
[Spitzname der englischen Frauenfußball-Nationalmannschaft]
2 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Examples of confronted animals exist on Cylinder seals from Mesopotamia. Deities, or heroes grasping lionesses, cattle, griffins, or other, imaginary creatures are sometimes found.
  • While waiting to go to Whipsnade, reports surfaced that Ugas, Mara and three other lionesses were to be rehabilitated by George and Joy Adamson. The proposed experiment was heavily protested.
  • At this time, the zoo claimed to have 40 lions and lionesses in their genetic pool.
  • The imposing gate of the citadel with the representation of the lionesses was an emblem of the Mycenaean kings and a symbol of their power to both subjects and foreigners.
  • On 22 February 2020, Morocco lionesses managed to win the 2020 UNAF Women's Cup after defeating Algeria 2-0 to top the final standings.

  • Due to the aggressive attributes possessed by and hunting methods used by lionesses, most things connected to warfare in Egypt were depicted as leonine, and Menhit was no exception, being depicted as a lioness-goddess.
  • The full figure of the Gorgon holds the apex of the oldest remaining Greek temple where she is flanked by two lionesses.
  • 1 in Preslav, including heads of lions and lionesses.
  • In 2015, she set up a charity called 'The Nature Foundation' to transport neglected lionesses from an abandoned zoo in Gyumri to Peak Wildlife Park.
  • ... , literally lionesses) is a town in western Slovakia.

  • The film's credits list lions and lionesses Boy, Girl, Henrietta, Mara, Ugas, and "the Cubs".
  • LUGI's ladies team, often called the lionesses, was created in 2003.
  • An early example of Italian "Potnia theròn" is in the Museo civico archeologico di Monte Rinaldo in Italy: a plate illustrates a goddess that wears a long dress and holds hands with two lionesses.
  • If he was an animal, he would be a lion, because he is the king of the jungle, and the lionesses hunt for him.
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