 Übersetzung für 'lionfish' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a lionfish | lionfish / lionfishes
lionfish [Pterois volitans]
Rotfeuerfisch {m}
Taxa/Spezies (Tiere, Pflanzen, Pilze)
African lionfish [Pterois mombasae]
Afrikanischer Feuerfisch {m}
blackfoot lionfish [Parapterois heterura]
Blauflossen-Feuerfisch {m}
clearfin lionfish [Pterois radiata]
Strahlenfeuerfisch {m}
common lionfish [Pterois miles]
Indischer Rotfeuerfisch {m}
Fu Manchu lionfish [Dendrochirus biocellatus]
Pfauenaugen-Zwergfeuerfisch {m}
Hawaiian lionfish [Dendrochirus barberi]
Hawaii-Zwergfeuerfisch {m}
Hawaiian lionfish [Dendrochirus brachypterus]
Kurzflossen-Zwergfeuerfisch {m}
pygmy lionfish [Brachypterois serrulata]
Zwergfeuerfisch {m}
radiata lionfish [Pterois radiata]
Strahlenfeuerfisch {m}
red lionfish [Pterois volitans]
Rotfeuerfisch {m}
red lionfish [Pterois volitans]
Pazifischer Rotfeuerfisch {m}
red volitans lionfish [Pterois russelii]
Russels Feuerfisch {m}
soldier lionfish [Pterois russelii]
Russels Feuerfisch {m}
tailbar lionfish [Pterois radiata]
Strahlenfeuerfisch {m}
twinspot lionfish [Dendrochirus biocellatus]
Pfauenaugen-Zwergfeuerfisch {m}
zebra lionfish [Dendrochirus zebra]
Zebra-Zwergfeuerfisch {m}
17 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • In 2012, a single individual was speared in the waters off South Florida, raising fears that it could become invasive, similar to the lionfish.
  • Students have volunteered for environmental efforts including removing invasive lionfish from St.
  • It includes the Florida Reef, the only barrier coral reef in North America The lionfish’s dietary consumption of native species of the Florida Keys not only affects the species diversity of the Florida Keys, but also causes detriment to the environment due to a decrease in fish who help maintain the coral reefs.
  • In 2010, unwanted lionfish were found to have invaded local waters. They are a threat to native species.
  • The luna lionfish is, like other lionfishes, predatory and feeds on small fishes and crustaceans. The spines in the fins are venom bearing.

  • Pterois, commonly known as lionfish, have also been found in the park's waters and the National Park Service was reviewing (in 2015) the lionfish management plan to determine what actions to take to manage the spread of this invasive species in Dry Tortugas National Park and Everglades National Park.
  • Long-term culling has also been recorded to cause behavior changes in lionfish populations.
  • In 2010, local dive operators launched a concerted effort to eradicate the invasive, non-indigenous red lionfish ("Pterois volitans"), which appears to be limiting its population around Little Cayman.
  • Much of the work in Belize is focused on tackling the invasive red lionfish ("Pterois volitans") population, including creating a market to drive the targeted removal of the lionfish, developing alternative sources of income such as lionfish fin jewellery and ecotourism trips to survey and hunt lionfish.
  • The Sunken Temple showcases species such as lionfish, Goliath bird-eating spider, porcupinefish, an electric eel, and a reticulated python.

  • Similarly, zebra lionfish that detect the presence of small prey fishes flare up their fins as an invitation to other zebra lionfish, or even to another species of lionfish ("Pterois antennata"), to join them in better cornering the prey and taking turns at striking the prey so that every individual hunter ends up with similar capture rates.
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