 Übersetzung für 'lionhead' von Englisch nach Deutsch
lionhead [Steatocranus casuarius]
Buckelkopfbuntbarsch {m}
lionhead cichlid [Steatocranus casuarius]
Buckelkopfbuntbarsch {m}
2 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The spineless forest lizard, crestless lizard or lionhead agama ("Calotes liocephalus") is a species of lizard in the family Agamidae. It is endemic to Sri Lanka.
  • In 2012 Shaw decided to leave Lionhead and go freelance, forming his own music production company.
  • The Lionchu or lionhead-ranchu (...) is a variety of goldfish that has resulted from crossbreeding lionheads and ranchus.
  • After graduating from Cambridge, Hassabis worked at Lionhead Studios.
  • The lionhead is a variety of fancy goldfish. This fish is the precursor to the ranchu.

  • The BIO has been sponsored by video-games developer Lionhead Studios since 2002.
  • There is a decorated lion and a lionhead that also originates in the Middle Ages.
  • Healey created a site dedicated to "Rag Doll Kung Fu" on the Lionhead Studios server.
  • Illustration of Side-faced lionhead was also present in that logo.
  • At the 2011 Game Developer's Conference, Lionhead lead programmer Ben Sugden showcased a new graphics technology used in "Project Milo" for upcoming Xbox 360 titles.

  • Shortly before Gamescom 2009, images of famous revolutionaries and quotations appeared on Lionhead's website, causing discussion about what the next game Lionhead was developing.
  • The [...] (also Maruko) They are the direct outcome of crossbreeding experiments with Chinese lionhead specimens.
  • Mark Webley is a British video game developer, known for working with developers such as Peter Molyneux and Gary Carr for Bullfrog Productions and later Lionhead Studios (which he co-founded) on projects including "Theme Hospital" and "Black & White".
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