 Übersetzung für 'mainly responsible' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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mainly responsible {adj}hauptverantwortlich
3 Wörter
persons mainly responsibleHauptverantwortliche {pl}
mainly {adv}in erster Linie
mainly {adv}vorwiegend <vorw.>
mainly {adv}vorzugsweise [hauptsächlich]
mainly {adv}in der Hauptsache
mainly {adv}zum größten Teil [größtenteils]
mainly {adv}größtenteils
mainly {adv}überwiegend
mainly {adv}hauptsächlich
mainly {adv}im Wesentlichen
This is mainly because ...Das liegt vor allem daran, dass ...
which is mainly due towelches hauptsächlich verursacht wurde durch
The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain. [My Fair Lady]
Es grünt so grün, wenn Spaniens Blüten blühen. [dt. Fassung von Robert Gilbert]
sth. is based mainly on sth.etw. beruht hauptsächlich auf etw.Dat.
responsible {adj}verantwortbar
responsible {adj}verantwortlich
responsible {adj}beantwortbar
responsible {adj}zuständig
responsible {adj}verantwortungs­bewusst
responsible {adj}mündig
responsible {adj}verantwortungs­voll
22 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The female is mainly responsible for incubating the eggs but the male may help towards the end.
  • The RDN is mainly responsible for maritime defence and maintaining the sovereignty of Danish territorial waters (incl. ...
  • The army, with about 15,000 personnel, is by far the largest branch of the armed forces and is mainly responsible for protecting the state borders, the security of administered territories, and defending Guinea's national interests.
  • These toxins are also known as "superantigens" because they can cause an extensive immune response by activating some of the cells that are mainly responsible for the person's immune system.
  • Some hypothesize that the pneumonic version of the plague was mainly responsible for the Black Death that resulted in approximately 75 - 200 million deaths in the 1300s.

  • Tutte was mainly responsible for developing the theory of enumeration of planar graphs, which has close links with chromatic and dichromatic polynomials.
  • Electrons mainly responsible for diffuse and pulsating auroras have, in contrast, a smoothly falling energy distribution, and an angular (pitch-angle) distribution favouring directions perpendicular to the local magnetic field.
  • Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other halogenated ozone-depleting substances (ODS) are mainly responsible for man-made chemical ozone depletion.
  • The Presidency is mainly responsible for the foreign policy and proposing the budget.
  • Fleet Activities Sasebo, mainly responsible for supporting Marine landing operations.

  • Public Service Media Strategy is mainly responsible for developing KBS's digital strategies for different audiences to enjoy KBS content via assorted digital media platforms.
  • The minister of the Department of the Interior is appointed by the prince of Monaco for one five-year term, and is mainly responsible for both policing and military activity within Monaco.
  • They are mainly responsible for taking calls from the public with regards to actionable complaints, dispatching special constables or relevant emergency services to all areas serviced by Metrolinx.
  • He was mainly responsible for the measures which were instrumental in crushing the Jacobite rising of 1715.
  • Between 1988 and 1995, de Soto and the Institute for Liberty and Democracy (ILD) were mainly responsible for some four hundred initiatives, laws, and regulations that led to significant changes in Peru's economic system.

  • This system is mainly responsible for the correct spacecraft's orientation in space (attitude) despite external disturbance-gravity gradient effects, magnetic-field torques, solar radiation and aerodynamic drag; in addition it may be required to reposition movable parts, such as antennas and solar arrays.
  • The company was jointly owned by Bob Stott and Robin Bromby; Bob Stott was Editor and ran the editorial content and Robin Bromby was Managing Editor mainly responsible for the business operation.
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