 Übersetzung für 'mascons' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   mascon | mascons
mascons [mass concentrations]
Mascons {pl} [Massenkonzentrationen]
1 Übersetzung
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Übersetzung für 'mascons' von Englisch nach Deutsch

mascons [mass concentrations]
Mascons {pl} [Massenkonzentrationen]astron.
  • Mascons {pl} [Massenkonzentrationen] = mascons [mass concentrations]
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Trottelreiner explains that the Narcotics and hallucinogens that Tichy is tired of are trifles compared to "mascons", which are so powerful that they mask whole swaths of reality.
  • A gravitational high, also known as a mascon, is roughly centered on Sobkou Planitia. Most large impact basins on the moon, such as Mare Imbrium and Mare Crisium, are the site of mascons.
  • Mascons are in part due to the presence of dense mare basaltic lava flows that fill some of the impact basins.
  • Doppler tracking of the five orbiters allowed mapping of the gravitational field of the Moon and discovery of mass concentrations (mascons), or gravitational highs, which were located in the centers of some (but not all) of the lunar maria.
  • A secondary objective was to obtain data on mass concentrations ("mascons") on the Moon first detected by Luna 10.

  • Roger Phillips' early work determined that the mascons on the Moon that perturbed the trajectory of early lunar orbiters was the result of near surface structure of impact basins and made some of the early estimates of the thickness of the crust of Mars prior to the Viking orbiters.
  • While not a direct cause of orbital decay, uneven mass distributions (known as "mascons") of the body being orbited can perturb orbits over time, and extreme distributions can cause orbits to be highly unstable.
  • This anticipates the later discovery of mass concentrations or Mascons, by surveys of the Moon carried out prior to the Apollo landings by the Lunar Orbiter missions, although mascons on the moon probably don't represent bodies of ore.
  • Since their identification in 1968 by Doppler tracking of the five Lunar Orbiter spacecraft, the origin of the mascons beneath the surface of the Moon has been subject to much debate, but they are now regarded as being the result of the impact of asteroids during the Late Heavy Bombardment.
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