 Übersetzung für 'masculinist' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   masculinist | masculinists
masculinist {adj}
Maskulinist {m} [Vertreter maskulinistischer Ideen]
2 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'masculinist' von Englisch nach Deutsch

masculinist {adj}

Maskulinist {m} [Vertreter maskulinistischer Ideen]pol.sociol.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • American sociologist Michael Kimmel categorized American male responses to feminism at the turn of the twentieth century into three categories: pro-feminist, masculinist, and antifeminist.
  • Stall and Stoecker describe these issues between the public and private split in community organizing, and gendered organizing tactics as the difference between "community organizing" (Alinsky/masculinist) and "organizing community" (feminist).
  • The absence or exclusion of women writers from accounts of "Sturm und Drang" can be taken as a consequence of the movement's and the period's masculinist ethos or as a failure of more recent literary criticism to engage with literary works by women--such as Marianne Ehrmann--that might merit inclusion.
  • Several of her plays challenge the masculinist spirit of the movement, focusing on strong female protagonists.
  • The attempt to "ground the meaning relations constitutive of the world in an instance that itself lies outside all relationality" was referred to by Heidegger as logocentrism, and Derrida argues that the philosophical enterprise is "essentially" logocentric, He in turn describes logocentrism as phallocratic, patriarchal and masculinist.

  • Though American feminists have built on Foucault's critiques of the historical construction of gender roles and sexuality, some feminists note the limitations of the masculinist subjectivity and ethical orientation that he describes.
  • Scholar Justin Hosbey argues that Craig's work is often overlooked by ethno-historians and official NPR historians "because Black women's narratives and their construction of Nicodemus's heritage resists the masculinist prerogatives of the Park Service's historiographical frameworks, which privilege political, economic, and military spheres that were dominated by men."
  • Until Kim Hak-Sun’s testimony in 1991, comfort women were silenced post-liberation – in South Korea due the nation’s masculinist culture and nationalist shame.
  • An essay published in the peer-reviewed journal "The Moving Image" observed that Kate Walker drives the action in the "Syberia" series, which is in stark contrast to most fictional works depicting Arctic representations that assume a male subject or a masculinist paradigm, and often involves a solitary journey or a struggle between life and death.
  • A self-described masculinist, Donovan was an influential figure in the alt-right until he disavowed the movement in 2017.

  • Left-wing and liberal critics of BAP have identified him as part of the manosphere as an (ultra)masculinist Additionally, liberal classics scholars and commentators accuse BAP (and others like him) of misusing, misinterpreting and misappropriating the Classics for their political agendas.
  • Jineology recognizes that the nation-state is closely linked to patriarchy and reproduces it because it is inherently hegemonic and masculinist.
  • Reviewing the novel in "The Washington Post" on its reissue in 2012 Michael Dirda was unequivocal: "This is a harrowing novel, relentless in its depiction of marital enslavement, spiritual self-destruction and the exploited condition of women in a masculinist society.
  • Logocentrism is the term Derrida uses to refer to the philosophy of determinateness, while phallocentrism is the term he uses to describe the way logocentrism itself has been genderized by a "masculinist (phallic)" and "patriarchal" agenda.
  • One possible explanation may stem from the fact that many women cloak their female identity online, because of a masculinist bias, making them impossible to identify.

  • This book also includes her critique of the Japanese New Left for its masculinist politics and she reflects on the violence of the United Red Army internal purge.
  • Men's rights activists and other masculinist groups have criticized modern laws concerning divorce, domestic violence, conscription, circumcision (known as male genital mutilation by opponents), and treatment of male rape victims as examples of institutional misandry.
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