| NOUN | a meson | mesons |
| SYNO | meson | mesotron |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- and eta prime meson (...) are isosinglet mesons made of a mixture of up, down and strange quarks and their antiquarks.
- The two photons interact to produce either a vector meson or hadron-antihadron pairs.
- In 1947, at the Shelter Island Conference, Marshak presented his two-meson hypothesis about the pi-meson, which were discovered shortly thereafter.
- Marshak presented his two-meson hypothesis about the pi-meson, which were discovered shortly thereafter.
- Mesons named with the letter "f" are "scalar mesons" (as opposed to a pseudo-scalar meson), and mesons named with the letter "a" are axial-vector mesons (as opposed to an ordinary vector meson) a.k.a.
- Experiments making precise measurements of B mesons (mesons containing b-quarks) also try to identify the particular initial B meson within the jet.
- Experimental P-matrix poles are determined reliably in both the meson–meson channels and nucleon–nucleon channels.
- Since the energy of the electrons and positrons is asymmetric, the B meson pairs are created with a Lorentz boost βγ of 0.425, allowing measurements of the B meson decay times via the distance from the (known) collision point.
- He is known as one of the developers of the Bonn potential to describe the nucleon–nucleon interaction based upon a comprehensive meson exchange model.
- The bottom eta meson (...) or eta-b meson is a flavourless meson formed from a bottom quark and its antiparticle.
- ] meson is much more massive than the [...] meson, the [...] meson is thought to contain a larger component of the relatively heavy strange and anti-strange quarks, than the η′ meson does, which appears contradictory.
- That is, a meson composed of a bottom quark and strange antiquark, the strange [...] meson, can spontaneously change into an bottom antiquark and strange quark pair, the strange [...] meson, and vice versa.
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