 Übersetzung für 'methodology' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a methodology | methodologies
SYNO methodological analysis | methodology
methodologyMethodik {f}
methodologyMethodenlehre {f}
methodologyMethodologie {f}
2 Wörter
assessment methodologyBewertungs­methodik {f}
assessment methodologyBeurteilungs­methodik {f}
fusion methodology
Fusionsmethodik {f}
investigation methodology
Untersuchungs­methodik {f}
planning methodologyPlanungs­methodik {f}
programming methodology
Programmiermethodik {f}
research methodologyForschungs­methodik {f}
standard methodologyStandardmethodologie {f}
survey methodology
Umfragemethodik {f}
survey methodology
Surveymethodologie {f}
survey methodology
Umfragemethodologie {f}
survey methodology
Erhebungs­methodik {f}
teaching methodology
Fachdidaktik {f}
training methodologyTrainings­methodik {f}
3 Wörter
methodology of investigation
Untersuchungs­methodik {f}
5+ Wörter
methodology {sg} used in the development of the vocabulary
bei der Entwicklung der Begriffe benutzte Methoden {pl}
19 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Inside Track's methodology was based on gearing, with customers encouraged to borrow against properties in order to buy more, a methodology that broke down when the property market went into free fall in 2007/8.
  • Event chain diagrams are introduced as a part of event chain methodology.
  • says that both Lakatos' and Popper's methodology are not inductive.
  • The Associated Press has also addressed Rasmussen's methodology.
  • Economic methodology is the study of methods, especially the scientific method, in relation to economics, including principles underlying economic reasoning.

  • UN/CEFACT's Modeling Methodology, commonly known as UMM is a modeling methodology which is developed by UN/CEFACT - United Nations Center for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business.
  • The methodology was developed by Dr. Suh Nam Pyo at MIT, Department of Mechanical Engineering since the 1990s.
  • TS Lombard's forecasting methodology combines Keynesian and monetary economics. They utilize analysis of money supply, sector financial balances and flow of funds in their forecasting methodology.
  • Research into antibiotic identification has shown the opportunity exists to move away from lawn spotting methodology, a methodology which increases the chances of cross contamination.
  • The "Double Helix methodology" is a systems development methodology used by Lockheed Martin.

  • Grounded theory is a systematic methodology that has been largely applied to qualitative research conducted by social scientists.
  • An OIS quotes-based methodology as the €STR-based forward-looking term structure methodology is recommended as a fallback to Euribor-linked contracts.
  • Since 2012, EsPCEx has adopted the Teaching through Competences methodology, the first military school in Brazil to implement this methodology.
  • In collaboration with other distinguished academics on CONEVAL's executive board, Hernández Licona participated in the development of a multidimensional poverty measurement methodology.
  • The PinpointBPS methodology is centered on the following process of discovery that highlights current performance, expected future performance and the means to achieve it.

  • Theorists often distinguish various general types or approaches to methodology. The most influential classification contrasts quantitative and qualitative methodology.
  • GESIS conducts research on content and methodology focusing on survey methodology, social structure, attitudes and behaviors in modern societies, applied computer science and information science.
  • Each year in honor of Gosnell's work, the Society for Political Methodology awards the "Gosnell Prize for Excellence in Political Methodology".
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